Associate Professor – Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology

Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology has emerged as one of the fastest growing institutions of higher learning in India. We started out as a modest institute in 1999, to serve the needs of the local community. Today, as we enter the 20th year, as a flagship institute, we continue to be in service of country and society. Sree Sastha has a plethora of traditions that make the institute a unique and truly special place. Set in the heart of Chennai, the state’s capital city, the institute fosters diversity and an intellectual environment that produces the next generation of leaders and advances tomorrow’s thinking.

A vision of developing into a multi-campus technological Institution of excellent in this part of the global proving the right ambience and the environment to create engineers and technologist who could serve the needs and demands of society


Foster and grow academic team to the evre increasing demands of the student community . Motivate all the students , faculty and the stake -holders to utilize the facilities provided . Argument all available avenues to develop students for the changing needs of society . Finally to develop SSIET into an International Institute of Engineering.


Required Associate Professors in the Department of Food Technology / Mechanical / Automobile/ECE / Civil / Biomedical /

Qualification: 1. BE/BTech & ME/MTech (only in Regular with 1st Class only) with PhD

Experience : 0 to 12+ years in Teaching

CTC : As per Institute Norms

Job Location: Chembarambakkam(near Poonamallee,Chennai)

Note : Persons from in and around Chennai required.

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🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship

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