Associate Director – R&D, Consumer & Technical Insights – Tata Consumer Products

About us

The merger of the consumer products business of Tata Chemicals with Tata Global Beverages Limited (TGBL) was aimed at spearheading our ambition to become a leading FMCG player.

Today TGBL, renamed to Tata Consumer Products, is home to well-loved brands – Tata Tea, Tetley, Tata Salt, Eight O’Clock Coffee, Himalayan Water and emerging brands like Tata Sampann, Tata Soulfull, Tata Gluco Plus and Tata Water Plus.

Our offerings are rooted in the core Tata values of responsibility and welfare of the community. Our brands are present in over 40 countries with a diverse workforce spread across the world.

As Tata Consumer, we aim to deliver high-quality, sustainable, and innovative products, that will delight consumers and create lasting value for all our stakeholders.


To build better lives and thriving communities


Passionately growing and innovating every day


Our values draw from the Tata foundational values and support our FMCG

Role Objectives:

· The role of Consumer & Technical Insight (CTI) is to act as the link between consumers and the products they use, providing insight and guidance to R&D to ensure the category delivers outstanding products.

· The key job role is to work within R&D to help deliver “Better for you” products across various categories of TCP by providing insights and guidance to drive product innovation

Key Responsibilities:

· This role is accountable for setting up and leading the Consumer Technical Insights (CTI) program for the TCPs F&B portfolio

· Lead the development of the Consumer Led Insights strategy. Responsible for delivering the Programs and Projects necessary to deliver the holistic insights strategy and effectively managing resources for on time in full delivery

· Setup and manage internal sensory panels, sensory tools and techniques to generate data and insights that can assist in development of superior products

· The role involves working on brands across TCPs F&B portfolio, across several projects within multidisciplinary teams to generate consumer insights and translate them into technical briefs to guide development of superior and consumer relevant products

· Define and refine key consumer insights (preference drivers, segmentation, needs, etc.) to drive product development and innovation.

· Product Benchmarking and Gap opportunities analysis vs. competition to guide portfolio management

· Lead the CTI capability development by keeping up to date with new developments, Encourage use of new techniques and processes for agile consumer research. Embrace new ways of doing research and adapt, Keep abreast of latest developments in consumer and sensory research techniques

· Work with external consumer research agencies: Help manage and co-ordinate consumer studies – according to best practice guidelines.

· Be proficient in designing the brief, getting proposals from the agency, commissioning the study, monitoring progress, data analysis and interpretation and sharing of the results on time to support various Innovation/Renovation projects

Desired Experience Level & Qualifications:

· Candidate is expected to have a proven background and/or a strong interest in consumer insights and sensory science

· Candidate is expected to be passionate about consumers, and are expected to use multiple information sources to tell a succinct story and give a point of view, keen to be a true partner to R&D

· Masters in Food Science and Technology / Science/Nutrition workstream with 8-12 years of proven experience in technical insights and sensory science

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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