Sr Consultant/Subject matter specialists – Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)


The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) was established by the Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act passed by the Parliament in December, 1985. The Act (2 of 1986) came into effect from 13th February, 1986 by a notification issued in the Gazette of India: Extraordinary: Part-II [Sec. 3(ii): 13.2.1986). The Authority replaced the Processed Food Export Promotion Council (PFEPC).


In accordance with the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act, 1985, (2 of 1986) the following functions have been assigned to the Authority.

  • Development of industries relating to the scheduled products for export by way of providing financial assistance or otherwise for undertaking surveys and feasibility studies, participation in enquiry capital through joint ventures and other reliefs and subsidy schemes;
  • Registration of persons as exporters of the scheduled products on payment of such fees as may be prescribed;
  • Fixing of standards and specifications for the scheduled products for the purpose of exports;
  • Carrying out inspection of meat and meat products in slaughter houses, processing plants, storage premises, conveyances or other places where such products are kept or handled for the purpose of ensuring the quality of such products;
  • Improving of packaging of the Scheduled products;
  • Improving of marketing of the Scheduled products outside India;
  • Promotion of export oriented production and development of the Scheduled products;
  • Collection of statistics from the owners of factories or establishments engaged in the production, processing, packaging, marketing or export of the scheduled products or from such other persons as may be prescribed on any matter relating to the scheduled products and publication of the statistics so collected or of any portions thereof or extracts there from;
  • Training in various aspects of the industries connected with the scheduled products;
  • Such other matters as may be prescribed.

  1. APEDA invites application for engagement as Sr Consultant/Subject matter
    specialists and Consultant for WTO SPS TBT related work. The posts are tobe
    filled on short term contract basis for a period of two years (extendable).
  2. The applicant must be well versed with the WTO norms, SPS and TBT measures, its
    implications on international trade and India’s exports, foreign trade etc.
  3. A candidate shall submit only one application. Submission of more than one
    application may lead to rejection.
  4. Mere submission of the application does not confirm any right on the applicant to
    be called for interview.
  5. Application should be submitted strictly in the prescribed format only.
  6. Application should be sent in a cover superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE
    POST OF Sr Consultant/Subject matter specialists (WTO) and Consultant
    (WTO) ” by registered post /speed post/in person addressed to the Director,
    Agricultural And Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
    (APEDA), 3rd Floor, NCUI Building, 3 Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg,
    (Opp. Asiad Village), New Delhi-110 016 latest by 12.03.2023 (17:30 Hrs)
  7. The Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel any application/candidature
    at its discretion and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained from the
  8. Incomplete / unsigned applications received and those received after the last date
    for receipt of application will summarily be rejected without anycommunication to
    the candidate.
  9. Wrong declaration / submission of false information or any other action contrary
    to law shall lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage.
    10.Detail of the post and terms & conditions for the engagement, eligibility,
    experience, etc. are as under:-

Name of Posts Sr Consultant/ Subject matter specialist WTO

  • Number of Posts 01
  • Method of Recruitment Short term Contract
  • Period of contract 2 years (extendable)

Essential Qualification

  • Master Degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture /Food Science/ Biological Science/ International Trade/
  • Foreign Trade or MBA in Agri Business Management/ International Business/ International Trade/ Foreign
  • Trade.
  • Minimum ten years experience with five years in the field of WTO, Foreign trade and Agri exports
  • related issues, etc.
  • Should have knowledge of International tradeportals ie., UNCOMTRADE, ITC (International Trade Centre) FAO, Import Tariff etc
  • Should have working knowledge in computer.

Desirable Qualification
Experience in Trade negotiations, Analysis of maximum residue level (MRL or tolerance) for agricultural product, international standards such as Codex, Food safety & Quality Assurance etc.

Age limit 62 Years (Maximum)
Remuneration (PerMonth) Rs.80,000/-

Name of Posts Consultant (WTO)

Number of Posts 01
Method of Recruitment Short term Contract
Period of contract 2 years (extendable)

Qualification: Essential Qualification
Master Degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture /Food Science/ Life Science/ International Trade/ Foreign Trade or MBA in Agri Business Management/ International Business/ International Trade/ Foreign Trade.

  • Minimum five years experience with three years in the field of WTO, Foreign trade and Agri exports
  • related issues, etc.
  • Should have knowledge of International trade portals ie., UNCOMTRADE, ITC (International Trade Centre) FAO, Import Tariff etc
  • Should have working knowledge in computer

Desirable Qualification
Experience in Trade negotiations, Analysis of maximum residue level (MRL or tolerance) for
agricultural product, international standards such as Codex, Food safety & Quality Assurance etc

Age limit 40 Years (Maximum)
Remuneration (Per Month) Rs.60,000/-
Last Date for submission of Application: 12.03.2023 – 17:30Hrs

Annexure I

  1. Download all the SPS-TBT Notifications from the WTO website on regular basis and Identify the
    SPS-TBT notifications relevant to India and relevant to APEDA scheduled products; Segregate
    the SPS-TBT notifications sector wise (fresh fruits and vegetables, animal products, pesticides,
    cereals, processed foods, etc);Identify the SPS-TBT notifications that are likely to have
    significant impact on Indian exports; prepare synopsis of the official document of the
  2. Analyze the WTO SPS and TBT notifications (APEDA scheduled products) taking into
    account its impact on India’s export, SPS- TBT agreements, bilateral trade, market access,
    export-import data etc;
  3. Prepare a comprehensive response for APEDA to the notifying country for the SPS/ TBT
  4. Disseminate the identified SPS-TBT Notifications to all concerned stakeholders, Exporters and
    industry body/ associations or any other relevant organizations. Examine and collate the
    comments received from the stakeholders;
  5. List out possible trade restrictive issues that need to be raised with the Member notifying the
    draft measure; identifying any specific trade concern e
  6. Follow up actions on the notifications which need to be addressed.
  7. Assist in organizing stakeholders’ consultations, meetings etc
  8. Prepare weekly/monthly/quarterly report of the SPS and TBT notifications (APEDA scheduled
  9. Study and update on the changes in India’s Foreign Trade Policy, Export Import
    Procedures, Market access issues, SPS and TBT issues, Compliance of WTO rules
    and regulations etc
  10. Update on the recent happenings in the International Trade arena and
  11. Monitoring/ coordinating with line departments. Preparation of analytical reports, case
    studies, concept notes, exports analysis, etc.
  12. Any other relevant matter related to WTO, SPS-TBT not specified above but considered
    necessary for the effective implementation of the assignment, shall be considered as part of the
    scope of work.


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