Agri R&D Lead – DS Group

The DS Group (Dharampal Satyapal Group) is a Multi-Business Corporation and one of the leading FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) conglomerate with strong Indian and International presence. Founded in the year 1929, it is an inspiring and successful business story that blends a remarkable history and legacy with visionary growth. The Group continues to build successful brands across diverse business categories to delight the consumers, while the undeterred pursuit for ‘Quality & Innovation’ ensures consumer loyalty and satisfaction.

Guided by a clear set of values and built on a strong foundation of collective good, Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of the Group’s business objectives. The Group works on projects across the country to achieve this objective with a focus on critical areas such as Water, Livelihood and Education. These initiatives have a transformational impact on communities. Active participation from stakeholders is sought, while creating awareness and during the implementation to ensure long term sustainability of the projects. Future-focused, the Group has been steadily expanding its ‘green’ initiatives, including Energy and Water Conservation, to reflect its response to what the world needs and its own role as a committed corporate citizen.

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The Group’s portfolio is extensive and diverse with presence in Mouth Freshener, Food and Beverage, Confectionery, Hospitality, Agri, Luxury Retail, Tobacco businesses and also has other investments. Starting from the core business of Flavours and Fragrances, the first step was creation of a masterpiece, ‘BABA’, India’s first branded chewing tobacco. That was the beginning of the success story and since then it has maintained its market leadership in the chewing tobacco segment with brands ‘BABA’ and ‘Tulsi’


To be a leading quality & innovation driven global conglomerate. Innovation: Creative, Out of box thinking, doing things in newer, better, cost effective & efficient way.


We are constantly striving to achieve excellence in all our endeavors to create sustainable value for our stakeholders and the community at large. Excellence: State of Superiority in virtue with respect to Product or Service
quality and Touch Point Management. Value: Creating tangible benefit, both financial & non- financial. Stakeholders: Investors, Bankers & Financial Institutions, Consumers, Channel
Partners; Supplier & Business Partners. Employees, Regulatory Bodies and Government.

Our Core Values
  • Empathy, Sympathy & Compassion: Humane, Caring, Thoughtful, Tolerant and listens to people
  • Mutual Trust & Respect: Belief in self, team, system, business partners, customers. High value to feelings and emotions of people.
  • Transparency: Fairness in all actions and communications dealing with employees & stake holders
  • Openness: Encourage honest feed back, patient hearing to negatives, communicate bad news quickly, promote truthfulness
  • Honesty & Integrity: Financial honesty, Ethical behavior, Fair practice, Commitment, Non-opinionated & unbiased commenting on issues.
  • Relationship: Creating an environment, which would perpetuate harmonious associations with employees, associates, partners and other stake holders.

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Agri R&D Lead

Location: Noida

Business : Agri

Reporting to : Top Management

Education : PhD in Agri science from tier-1 institutes (IISc, ICAR etc in India and others abroad)

Required Skills & Experience :

  1. 15+ years of work experience in Agri business in India or globally with strong preference for candidate with experience in modern farming practices like hydroponics
  2. Proven track record of producing and yielding the right varietals, in line with agronomical conditions
  3. Experience of working with other functional teams, especially farm operations to deploy innovations at commercial scale

Primary Objectives of Position: Looking for a senior leader in the role of R&D Lead to lead R&D activities across plant science technology-led cultivation and engineering (e.g. hydroponics, aquaponics etc.) to produce best-in-class crops at superior quality, yield and cost. Candidate should have the ability to work with field operations teams to deploy proven R&D solutions at commercial scale.<!–

Job Profile :

  1. The candidate will be part of a fast-paced start-up like team and will have end-to-end oversight over the planning and execution of the R&D strategy
  2. Work closely with the Promoters and the Agri Business Head
  3. The business aspirations are to create a 500+Cr company with a global footprint within the first 2-3 years of operations and will require an entrepreneurial and dynamic leadership team to take on the mandate for the business build.

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Key Accountabilities:

Planning & Strategy:

  • Develop and align a comprehensive R&D strategy based on the objectives of the business, in line with best-in-class industry trends
  • Create and deliver an annual R&D operational plan in line with the overall business and R&D strategy
  • Make recommendations to the Board on the matters of new land acquisition in line with proposed crop portfolios, nascent crop selection to trial innovative crops and technologies, and scaling up proven methods in line

Deliver compelling technological solutions that drive competitiveness through higher yields

  • Monitor and track progress of R&D initiatives; put in place the right tools, techniques to improve success rates
  • Facilitate training of farm teams on recent developments – agronomical practices, technological advances, etc. – to ensure deployment of innovations at commercial scale

Market research and partnerships:

  • Conduct regular scans of global technology best practices, evaluate potential vendors/ partners and identify those suitable for trialling in India
  • Collaborate and partner with global and Indian Agri universities, research labs etc. for innovative research, in line with business plan
  • Work closely with agriculture research companies, suppliers of modern agri technologies and proprietary varietals, start-ups etc. to drive ideation & creation of best in class technologies

IP creation:

  • Apply for patents to generate and protect IP that is permissible as per Indian laws
  • Keep track of patents nearing the end of life cycle and devise strategy to extend or monetize them

R&D Team Management:

  • Recruit and retain talent
  • Define and set KPIs along with the HR team
  • Work planning and performance assessment

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