Quality/Tea Tester – Vahdam India

About us

Native Indian Wellness ReImagined for your Modern Lifestyle

A legacy of over 80 years in the Indian tea industry and a eureka moment is what led to the creation of VAHDAM® India. The traditional supply-chain was disrupted, technology was put to good use, and the glory of handpicked Indian teas and superfoods was put on the map, courtesy of a homegrown brand with a world bound take. No unnecessary middlemen. Straight from India’s divine gardens to your cups. And it all started with a young man’s pursuit to make his country’s native wellness wisdom accessible to the entire world, through an honest and ethical route.

Experience Exceptional Teas and Ingredients like never before

Our purpose is to redefine the way the world experiences tea and other native Indian foods. The conventional supply of these foods in India is impaired by the involvement of multiple middlemen like auctioneers, retailers, and suppliers. With the help of our radical supply chain, we eliminate unnecessary middlemen and source premium teas and superfoods from renowned gardens in India, package them garden-fresh at our avante-garde tea facility in India and bring it to your doorstep.

A Dream to Empower Millions

India accounts for a majority of the tea being produced in the world. Evidently, our tea industry is the second largest employer of manual labour in the country. This industry relies on bulk exports to globally acclaimed tea brands which continue to grow while farmers here tirelessly work for low wages and an uncertain future. Such brands do not hesitate to shift to inferior teas from other regions whenever farmers ask for a deserving price. For a home-grown brand like VAHDAM® India, our farmers are a priority. We eliminate unnecessary middlemen and are loyal to partnering estates. This ensures that all the earnings are retained in these regions and each farmer gets a better price and is empowered to take a step towards a brighter tomorrow.

Quality/Tea Tester – Vahdam India

Company Name:Vahdam India
Qualification:Graduate/food technology preferred
Experience– 3+ years
Must have experience in tea tasting, should be well awared of different tea gardens and the types of tea. If worked in a tea estate is a plus point

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  • Urjita vilas patil
    August 6, 2022

    Am completed masters in food science and technology and 6 months experience in R &D department in Puratos food innovation center Mumbai pls give me a onee best opportunity I do my 100 % best to company.

  • Asheesh Talwani
    August 7, 2022

    I have around Twenty five years of experience in the Tea industry . Looking for a good opportunity in operations, Administration which may include Sales and Marketing. Open to Travelling to estates. Have sound knowledge of the, estates and the their produce. Good contacts in the estate and HO level .

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