Quality officer – Fambo

We are a tech enabled food service business that provides high quality ingredients to chain restaurants, Quick Service Restaurants (QSR), speciality restaurants, cloud kitchens, hotels, caterers, canteens, modern-trade and e-commerce. Our services include high-quality fresh fruits and vegetables sourced from GAP certified farms, cut chopped , fried food items, sauces , gravies and other cooking ingredients made at our state of the art food processing facilities.

Agriculture has been the foundation stone of human civilisation. To feed the world, we will need to convert food chain to value chain and minimise wastage. We, at Fambo, are using our capabilities in farming, technology, distribution and processing to solve some of food industry’s most pressing problems. Through our in-depth research, disruptive practices, pioneering technology and efficient supply chain, we’re reimagining solutions that will form highly sustainable and efficient food distribution systems.

Our Vision

Nurturing human civilization through technology that transforms food systems

We are currently hiring for the role of Quality officer for Noida Location.

  • Experience- 3-4 years preferably in food processing sector (experience with fruits & vegetable processing will be given preference)
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in food technology or in a related field
  • Location: Candidate should be open for Noida sec-153
  • Salary: Best in industry
  • Work Timings: Rotational Shifts

Interested Candidates can share their CVs with the subject line “Resume for Quality Officer-Your Name”

🖥️ Internship + Research paper publishing opportunity in Food Processing

🖥️ Food Safety Training  Level 1

🖥 UGC Approved – PG Diploma In Food Processing & Safety Standards

🖥️ FSSAI Food Safety officer, FSSAI Technical officer & Food Analyst Exam Preparation

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