QA/QC executive – Nedspice Processing India Pvt. Ltd.

Nedspice is a privately-owned group of companies with worldwide activities in the sourcing, processing and distribution of spices, herbs and dehydrated vegetables.

Our business activities include sourcing, cleaning, sterilization, grinding, packing and distribution of single spices, herbs and dehydrated vegetables.

Nedspice is headquartered in the Netherlands and operates processing facilities in India and Vietnam. Sales offices, warehouses and distribution facilities are located in the Netherlands, India, Vietnam, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and China.


We source, process and deliver spices, herbs and dehydrated vegetables in a sustainable way.

Our belief

We believe in growth, but not at the expense of our future. We believe that agriculture and nature should cooperate instead of compete. That is why we are at the forefront of an ongoing search to find the best possible and most sustainable solutions that benefit our farmers, communities and our customers.


We aspire to be a flavour ingredients company with profitable growth that contributes to environmental, social and economic development.

Our promise

We deliver the carefree part of your product. We do this by consistently using natural and wholesome ingredients and by providing traceability, transparency, quality assurance, on-time delivery and high service levels. Our objective is to produce your products in a carefree manner according to your own customised specifications and needs.

Are you passionate about quality assurance and quality control?

  • Nedspice Processing India Pvt. Ltd. has some opportunities for experienced professionals who want to contribute to our quality-focused team.
  • Requirements: 2+ years of experience in relevant fields Background in B.Tech. – Food Technology or MSc Chemistry or MSc Microbiology

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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