QA Executive – Paper boat

History is basically a collective memory of a people. And we realize that history is a sum of parts. And some of those parts, are delicious. It all began when fours guys who are history buffs (and beverage buffs!) sat down to have lunch on a hot Indian summer. They would always share their lunch and one of them would always bring a flask of delicious homemade aampanna with him.
Among the four of these history (and beverage!) enthusiasts, one comes from a far away land – A land of bald eagles, of bowls that are super and of cars that are Nas. He is quickly taken to the idea of commercializing this raw mango ale.

“I want to commercialize this raw mango ale”, says the man from the far away, hitherto
unknown land. “Aye!” the remaining trio heartily agree. “Woof!” goes the company dog who the narrator of this tale forgot to mention until now.And thus began the journey of Paper Boat. A journey of going back in time and bringing to fore, liquid traditions. Drinks, that the many civilizations of this subcontinent inspired. Drinks, that are practical and delicious. Drinks, that are a product of generations of trial and error. Drinks, that
are sadly being lost to the excesses of urban life.

We hoped that Paper Boat, much like the Tagore poem, would send these drinks, these culinary messages to those who have never tasted such concoctions. And of course to those, who long for the days gone by. Of homemade Aamras, Jaljeera, Kokum, Aampanna, Kala Khatta and many other secret recipes.

Moral of the Story: If you could make people taste memories, you should.

 Our Inspiration

Any drink can be made to taste good. Or feel nutritious. But how many drinks tell a story? Because when companies get together and dole out a drink to the parched populace, it’s practicality. But when history and geography conspire to make a drink favoured through the ages, that’s destiny.

A culmination of efforts. Modified through trial and error. Perfected with every passing age. From a king’s royal cook to a soldier’s flask to a peace offering made by warring clans to a mother conjuring something special for her son’s return to a grand celebration of harvest. Everyone had something to contribute. And it’s their additions (and subtractions) that ultimately made their way into food carts in village fairs.

And while we’ve all experienced the joy of tasting these drinks at these carts at one point or the other, we’ve also experienced the often awful gastronomical aftermath of these little joys.

Our inspiration lies in emulating these tastes and experiences standing tall on a benchmark of hygiene and safety. Getting the good moments out to you while avoiding the unpleasant bits.

Position: QA Executive
Experience: min 3yrs – max 5yrs
Industry: Snacks Industry

Interested candidates drop your resumes

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