Production Executive – Matzah Foods Private Limited

Urgent Requirement for the post of Production Executive e at Matzah Foods Private Limited Bangalore…!!

  • Position : Production Executive
  • Qualification : / / Food Technologist
  • Location : Bangalore
  • Experience : 2 years – Capable Fresher also can applt
  • Salary : As per Industry Standard

Job Responsibilities:


  1. To Ensure the availability of all RM for the production
  2. Coordinate with vendors and suppliers and ensure the delivery of RM at right time.


  1. Production planning of the day as per the client order and communicate to shift supervisors and down the team.
  2. Ensure on time production of clients order as per SOP and quality standards, and adherence to hygiene and safety standards.
  3. Direct and supervise the activities of production plan and ensure the availability of all resources required to produce as per plan.
  4. Ensure to furnish data’s on RM yield, Manpower productivitity etc.
  5. To Ensure the product is produced as per Quality specification of each clients.
  6. Ensure staff documents all food safety related documents and are kept updated

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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