Process chemist, Production Executive & Microbiologist – Morde Foods

The Morde story begins on an auspicious date: the 31st of December, 1983. With the turn of the new year, Mr. Chandrakant Morde firmly established the foundation of a company in a small Maharashtrian village called Manchar. We pay homage to our localized roots where we have, and continue to give 90% of all on-site employment to locals.

Our products are manufactured in a highly automated plant, which is HACCP, FSSC 22000 & Halal certified.
The Morde legacy speaks for itself, where we continue to be the backbone of the FMCG industry in India for over 35 years. Our cocoa is sourced with extreme care from the choicest of farms in Ghana, Ivory Coast, and India. We are the go-to brand for businesses that need chocolate. In any form. We produce chocolates, fillings, creams, compounds, cocoa products and decorations in addition to inclusions, chocopastes and even chocodips!
We know that nothing can truly ever replace chocolate. That special chocolate moment is universal for all of life’s ups and downs and we want it to be a Morde moment.

Morde today is the go-to brand for businesses that need chocolate. In any form. We produce chocolates, fillings, creams, compounds, cocoa products and decorations in addition to inclusions, chocopastes and even chocodips! These product categories have numerous applications in the HoReCa, bakery, ice-cream, QSR, home baking and confectionery sectors.
Essentially, we are your holistic, one-stop-shop for chocolate and its complimentary items.
Our cocoa is sourced with extreme care. We stringently procure it from the choicest of farms in Ghana, Ivory Coast, and India, ensuring unparalleled quality.

Our products are also manufactured in a highly automated plant, which also happens to be India’s largest throughput facility for B2B chocolates. It is a completely food safe environment, with inbuilt flexibility & agility that allows us to cater to a variety of customer needs. The plant is HACCP, FSSC 22000 & Halal certified.
We pay homage to our localized roots in Manchar, where we have, and continue to give 90% of all on-site employment to locals, enabling a circle of trust, responsibility and more importantly, mobility.
We promise you that you have consumed our delicious offerings – even if you don’t know it yet. The taste buds of every other Indian, young or old, have been graced by Morde Chocolate or Cocoa in some form or the other since every second baked product, confection, patisserie has the Morde signature ingredient.

Our legacy speaks for itself, where we continue to be the backbone of the FMCG industry in India for over 35 years with our chocolate being the preferred ingredient for individuals and companies alike.
We know that nothing can truly ever replace chocolate. That special chocolate moment is universal for all of life’s ups and downs, and when you feel that sensation of relaxation, indulgence, bliss or simply relief – we want it to be a Morde moment.

We have openings for below mentioned positions.

Morde Foods Pvt Ltd, Manchar, Tal – Ambegaon, Dist – Pune

Process Chemist (01 Positions)

  • Education – B. Sc / M. Sc (chemistry) or B. Tech – Food.
  • Experience – 0 to 1 Year
  • Salary – 2.40 LPA to 2.54 LPA

Officer / Executive Production (01 Positions)

  • Education – B. Tech – Food, BE Mechanical, M. Sc
  • Experience – 0 to 3 Year (Food or Pharma Industry Only)
  • Salary – 2.40 LPA to 3.40 LPA

Microbiologist (01 Positions)

  • Education – / (Micro)
  • Experience – 0 to 3 Year
  • Salary – 2.40 LPA to 2.54 LPA

Interested candidate can shier there resume

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🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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