Plant Head(Mustard/Groundnut Oil) – Kwality Group


Job description

• Production planning & Maximization of production of Groundnut Oil

• Observing all technical activities and solving the problems at level best.

• Responsible for yield, quality, raw material (groundnut seeds) consumption, and utility.

•Preventive maintenance of various types of equipment and pumps.

•Ensuring safety process

•Undertaking erection and commissioning programs as per schedule.

•Records and documentation like shift report, filling report.

•Coordination with different departments

•Monitoring plant performance against approved targets on a day-to-

day basis and identified existing or potential

•Licensing ,Capacity and space planning for the Groundnut Oil Plant.

•Dispatch planning and handling of warehouse

•Ensuring compliance under Food Safety Standards.

•Conduct quality & food safety audits for plant

•Assisting in Internal and External Quality Systems Audits

•Assisting in Internal and External Quality Systems Audits

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