Manager – Quality Assurance, HCCB

About us

HCCB – A Company started in 1997 with the simple aim of making beverages for the India of the 21st century. Two decades later, we are one of India’s top FMCG companies. Only because fellow Indians, who have faith in the quality and purity of our products, pick our beverages, 439 times per second.

We Are Made Of Hindustaanium

25 years ago, we started out as a simple FMCG company in India, with the aim of establishing ourselves in the local markets. As we expanded our manufacturing capacity, product lines and network of beverage distributors, we grew into something more.

With our roots set strong today, we have taken over the beverage industry in India. And not just in our capacity as a manufacturing company, from our grassroots community initiatives to new launches, from ushering in new technology to adding value to everything we touch, we are the quintessential Indian and we are on our way to becoming the top FMCG company in India.

Life @ HCCB

Life at HCCB means being constantly curious and being two steps ahead of the rest. It means celebrating the small wins and then creating the next version of those wins. Life at HCCB also means striving to leave things better than we inherited them. Simply put, life here means progress!

Growth Culture


Keep seeking, never settle.

Stay curious about what is outside, always stay two steps ahead. We have the courage to look and leap.

Make it happen.

True empowerment is the result of taking responsibility. We move forward faster when we all take action.

Push for progress, not perfection.

Greatness is born of the little wins (and failures). Share v 1.0, test it, make it better. Then create the next version.

Include value and trust each other.

We are smart alone but together we are genius. For us to thrive, being smart isn’t enough. We need genius.

Job Objective:

To provide finished products with 100% Quality and meet peak volume requirements. To liaise with Regulatory bodies (BIS, PFA, FPO, Environment).

Job Responsibilities

a. Volume and COGS

  1. To ensure continuous production-no plant stoppage due to consumables/lab items and trained manpower
  2. To set and achieve plant mechanical efficiency targets and raw material yields
  3. To assist in the inspection of incoming material
  4. To ensure no BBD stock loss in the market

b. Quality Measures Targets

  1. To ensure that there are improvements in quality indices of package and product and to ensure that there is product integrity as per targets
  2. To establish and monitor the quality systems and procedures in the lab, on the shop floor and in other areas of the factory.
  3. To ensure regular calibration of all quality measuring equipment by providing resources and guidance in terms of knowledge and standards to the personnel do it. To ensure the upkeep of all quality measuring equipment.
  4. Proper and timely feedback on product quality to all personnel for corrective/ preventive actions and improvements.
  5. To initiate and monitor quality improvement activities in the unit. To ensure that there is 100% date coding, 100% DOD compliance at warehouse, distributor audits and improvement in product age in RGB.

c. Environment Management

  1. To ensure 100% compliance with respect to PFA, weights are measures and FPO license and its on time renewal
  2. To ensure that all PCB norms are met for ETP operation
  3. To ensure customer response support to CRC

d. People Management

  1. To train the shop floor workmen, managers, lab people on various quality parameters (visual, functional, physical and taste) and its importance and relevance to the customer.
  2. To train the shop floor workmen and managers on problem solving techniques and usage of statistical process control techniques.
  3. To increase the level of quality consciousness / awareness among all employees through effective communication systems.
  4. To give special projects to small work groups and activate and run quality circles.

Job Requirement

Minimum Education: B. Tech / M Tech / M. Sc. (Chemical Engg / Food Tech / Dairy Tech / Chemistry / Microbiology) with certification in SPC.

Work Experience: Industry experience : 8 – 10 years in FMCG / Food Industry, preferable one MNC stint is desirable. 
Should have experience in handling a team size of 8 – 12 people. 

Lead FSMS Auditor, Certification in Lean Six Sigma would be considered added advantage.

Language Proficiency: Hindi, English, and / or Knowledge of Local language

Travel: 20% travel.

🔔👥 WhatsApp –  Join our groups for regular updates (Jobs, News, Training etc) If you are already in our groups, please don’t join. All Groups are same.

🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship


  • Rahul Tiwari
    October 29, 2022

    Application for QA manager Post.

  • Chhaya
    October 29, 2022

    Fresher food technologist

  • Kiran Nikam
    October 30, 2022

    Please consider my profile

  • B. Saratbabu
    October 30, 2022

    I am completed Btech electrical and electronic engg. I am looking for job Analytical instrumentation engineering.

  • Sumeet kumar
    October 30, 2022

    Qa job

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