Lead- Subject Matter Expert- FMCG, Swiggy

Our mission is to elevate the quality of life for the urban consumer with unparalleled convenience. Convenience is what makes us tick. It’s what makes us get out of bed and say, “Let’s do this.”

What’s In Store For The Future?

Swiggy has grand plans to be India’s most loved hyperlocal player. It aims to be the most accessible platform on the network – reimagining the meaning of convenience in the country through a variety of service offerings.

 Experience- 8 – 10 yrs 

Location – Bangalore

Job Description: –

  • Ensuring right quality products reach to PODs.  
  • Monitoring consumer complaint trends, working with respective suppliers on corrective and preventive actions for continual improvement.
  • Developing product specification for their respective commodities
  • Developing quality inspection process to verify the product quality.
  • Developing process control requirements for their respective commodities manufacturing or handling
  • Developing system to verify supplier food safety and quality assurance compliance.
  • Developing approval or onboarding procedure for new supplier 
  • Conducting periodic audit to ensure adherence of statutory and food safety controls in supplier.
  • Follow up of NC closure for the auditing finding and its effective implementation.
  • Developing mechanism to track supplier complaints and its corrective actions.
  • Coordinating with supplier on customer complaints and its RCA
  • Verify and approve corrective action on the customer complaint / non-conformities.
  • Coordinate with PODs on market sampling and its testing
  • Involved in supplier engagements to improve process and food safety compliance.
  • Developing agreements clauses on the Food Safety and quality Assurance requirements
  • Developing guidelines / playbooks for their respective suppliers.
  • Engaging with procurement category managers to have contingency plans. 
  • Building and leading a competent supplier base.
  • Delivering training programmes on Food Safety, Quality Assurance as per the need of the organization.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of training programmes by developing & implementing training modules.
  • Ensuring the policy’s communication to all their respective suppliers.
  • Developing customer complaint indices
  • Developing supplier rating
  • Developing indices on supplier performance

Required experience and skills: –

  • Education Qualification: Graduate/Post-graduate in Food technology / processing -Background. 
  • Minimum 8 -10 years of experience in the ” Food Industry” preferably in Manufacturing / retail /warehouse segments. Out of 8-10 year, Minimum of 4 years’ experience in FMCG sector.
  • Implemented Food safety and quality system in f&v retail operations.                           
  •  Certified internal auditor on GAP/ FSSC 22000 / ISO 22000 / HACCP and lead auditor is an advantage. 
  •  Expertise in FMCG problem solving and solutions, build quality culture. 
  • Expertise in cross functional management. 

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