Food Processing & Preservation Quiz – 30


Q. Which of the following methods would be used to measure the concentration of bacterial contamination in processed peanut butter?

  1. turbidity measurement
  2. total plate count
  3. dry weight measurement
  4. direct counting of bacteria on a calibrated slide under the microscope

Answer: B)

Total plate count can be used to measure the concentration of bacterial contamination in processed peanut butter.

Q. Time in minute required to destroy the organism in a specified medium at 250F is

  1. D value
  2. F value
  3. Z value
  4. Lethal rate

Answer: b)

The F value is a value on the F distribution. Various statistical tests generate an F value. The value can be used to determine whether the test is statistically significant. The F value is used in analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Q. Both extra cellular and intracellular crystallization takes place in

  1. Slow freezing only
  2. Fast freezing only
  3. Both in fast as well as slow freezing
  4. Neither slow nor fast freezing

Answer: b)

The enclosed cells have a relatively small volume compared with the extracellular medium in this approach, the contribution of the intracellular region to the overall signal is small and it is seen in fast freezing. 

Q. Hurdle technology consist of

  1. Mixture of different ingredient from uniform quality product
  2. Mixture of different preservation techniques
  3. Using irradiation for increasing the shelf life of meat
  4. None of the above

Answer: b)

Hurdle Technology, which involves multiple simultaneous preservation approaches, has generally met with success in controlling pathogens and maintaining food quality during storage. 

Q. What is the strength of the brine solution for the canning of vegetables

  1. 2%
  2. 8%
  3. 15%
  4. 67%

Answer: a)

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