Executive Production & Quality Assurance – Radhakrishna Food Services

Established in 2007, Radhakrishna Food Services Private Limited (RFSPL) is a Social Enterprise of Planet Group created with the vision of creating sustainable food solutions through a network of compact, low-cost food solutions, serving Safe, Hygienic, Nutritious food in a Dignified manner at an Affordable price point. RFSPL ensured Food is Safe by operational efficiencies without compromising on Quality, Health, Hygiene, Safety, Security, Environment, Maintenance, Compliance, Contingency and Community. Entire food service operation is in compliance with FSSAI standards & up-gradation of ISO 22000:2018 compliance.

Our Food Solution cater to different business verticals like QSR, Retail, Mass feeding program and Contract manufacturing. RFSPL is now focusing on scaling this vertical in the coming years. We are a responsible business generating economic, environmental, and social value. Our aim is to embed sustainability in our product development, supply-chain, strategy, thus creating long-term shared value for our stakeholders.

RFSPL is one of the top manufacturers and suppliers of fortified food products. Increasing consumer preference for fortified foods attributed to addition of essential ingredients such as amino acids, minerals, vitamins and nucleotides. Our innovative and developed premix products are available in wide variety of applications such as dietary supplements, clinical nutrition and infant nutrition products. Research shows that 47% of the consumers prefer food with additional nutrients. Fortified foods are primarily used for balancing nutrient loss and filling nutritional gaps.

Join our team!

We are thrilled to announce opening for the position of Executive Production & Quality Assurance at Radhakrishna Food Services Pvt Ltd (Premix Manufacturing). If you are passionate, and eager to make a difference we want to hear from you!

Experience : – 3-5 Years
Education:- B Tech in food Technology
Location :- Thane

👉 Join Online Classes for FSSAI technical office, Food analyst and Food safety officer exam preparation

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
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📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)
🔗 https://bit.ly/3JDyPIN

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