Dairy Technologist – Unibourne Food Ingredients

Unibourne Food Ingredients LLP has built a legacy in the business of Food Ingredients Distribution and is known to be a One-Stop-Shop for holistic & customised solutions. Unibourne has an in-house R&D team and a legal arm, signifying a 360 degree approach towards servicing a client. We associate with channel partners from EU, USA, South East Asia and India and provide end to end solutions on stock and sell and contractual basis.

With our warehousing facilities in Mumbai, Gurgaon, Kolkata, Chennai and Mundra along with our in-house food and dairy technologists, we are able to efficiently supply required Food and Nutraceuticals Ingredients as per customer requirements. The motto of Unibourne is to create value for our customers by ensuring that only the best quality is provided to them via the broadest gamut of Ingredients the industry can offer.

Our systematic processes and ethical work culture has augured in becoming frontrunners in the industry. While we continue to be the ‘first choice’ amongst competitors for providing the best food ingredients, we strive to continuously collaborate with foreign companies and enter the global space. We at Unibourne aim to become a prime food distributor, offering our customers with quality food and nutraceuticals ingredients, and associated services.

We have an opening for Dairy Technologist

Qualification: B.Tech/M.tech in Dairy Technology
Experience: Looking for candidate having 10+ years of experience
Location: Mumbai


1) Indepth Technical knowledge wrt to the ingredients used in processed dairy products.
2) Thorough knowledge of the regulations of the Indian dairy industry.
3) Hands on experience of taking trials for various end products at customers end.

Job Description:

1) Handling techno-commercial activities for selling Dairy Ingredients from our portfolio for Key Accounts – Pan India.
2) Maintaining interpersonal relationships with customers to generate projects with our ingredients for various processed dairy products.
3) Generating sale plan for our dairy ingredients and fulfil the targets.
4) Reporting to senior management on the business plan and growth strategy.
5) Building and retaining client relationships through continuous follow up/visit to customers.

Interested candidate can share their CV

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
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📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)
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