United Breweries Launches Heineken® Silver Draught in India

Crafted by seasoned master brewers utilising only natural ingredients, including Heineken’s renowned unique A-yeast and 100 per cent malt

United Breweries, part of the Amsterdam-based HEINEKEN group announced the much-anticipated launch of Heineken Silver Draught Beer in India. This marks a significant milestone as Heineken introduces its draught beer in the Indian market, aiming to provide consumers with a premium, smooth-tasting beverage tailored for social occasions.

Crafted by seasoned master brewers utilising only natural ingredients, including Heineken’s renowned unique A-yeast and 100 per cent malt, Heineken Silver Draught Beer boasts the freshest and smoothest taste. This ensures an enhanced drinking experience, delivering unparalleled, perfectly balanced taste and freshness to the discerning consumer.

“With Heineken Silver, we offer a 100 per cent malt brew crafted with natural ingredients, providing a delightfully refreshing, smooth, and easy-to-drink lager with a crisp, subtle finish. This variant has already garnered immense appreciation in our global markets, and we are confident that it will resonate with the new generation of beer enthusiasts in India. As we embark on this exciting journey, our strategic growth plan includes expanding the availability of Heineken Draught to other cities, ensuring more consumers can enjoy the exceptional taste and quality that define the Heineken experience.”, stated Vivek Gupta, MD and CEO, of United Breweries Limited, a part of the HEINEKEN company.

The initial launch will see Heineken Silver Draught Beer exclusively available in premium bars and pubs across Mumbai, Thane, and Pune in Maharashtra, with plans to expand to Karnataka in the fiscal year 2024.

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