Operations Internship – Akshaya Patra Foundation

About us

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO in India headquartered in Bengaluru. Our organisation strives to eliminate classroom hunger by implementing the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in the government schools and government-aided schools. Alongside, Akshaya Patra also aims at countering malnutrition and supporting the right to education of socio-economically disadvantaged children.

Since 2000, Akshaya Patra has been concerting all its efforts towards providing fresh and nutritious meals to children on every single school day. We are continuously leveraging technology to multiply our reach. The state-of-the-art kitchens have become a subject of study and have attracted curious visitors from around the world.

Our partnership with the Government of India and various State Governments, along with the persistent support from corporates, individual donors, and well-wishers have helped us to grow from serving just 1,500 children in 5 schools in 2000 to serving 1.8 million children.

Today, Akshaya Patra is the world’s largest (not-for-profit run) Mid-Day Meal Programme serving wholesome food every school day to over 1.8 million children from 19,039 schools across 14 states & 2 Union territory of India.

The Growth of The Akshaya Patra Foundation – A Quick Overview 

On 28 November 2001, the Supreme Court of India passed a mandate, “Cooked mid-day meal is to be provided in all the Government and Government-aided primary schools in all the states.” And, Akshaya Patra was also called upon to provide testimonies to the Supreme Court.

By the time the Ministry of Human Resource Development – Department of School Health and Education extended its support to the initiative in 2003, Akshaya Patra was already reaching out to 23,000 children.

Today, Akshaya Patra has 60 kitchens spread across 14 states & 2 Union territories of India, a result of the successful partnership with the Government of India, various State Governments and generous supporters

About the internship

1. Work on deployment support of variability project implementation across the kitchens
2. Work on regular follow-up & analysis of maintenance cost plant & vehicle across the kitchens
3. Work on kitchen productivity study -optimization/automation program

Other requirements

1. Qualification and experience: B.E (Industrial engineering/ food technology)

2. +MBA (operations)

3. Bachelor’s degree (preferably industrial manufacturing/food tech) from an accredited university + MBA operations

4. Exceptional communication skills, both verbal and written (Hindi & English) speaking, problem-solving, and analytical skills

5. Good expertise in Microsoft Office

6. Strong ability to learn and apply new concepts

7. Willing to travel across India for process excellence activity

8. Ability to work shifts as required

Number of openings – 6

Location – Bangalore, Delhi, Hubli, Ahmadabad

FOSTAC Training

Summer Internship

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  • Manika saini
    June 1, 2022

    My name is Manika saini. I have completed my
    M. Sc and B. Sc Food Technology and have also done Internship from pepsico and Dairy plant.
    Is there any opportunity for me??
    Kindly requested please let me know.

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