Nestlé introduces breakthrough technology that reduces intrinsic sugars in key ingredients.


Nestlé has introduced a versatile and cost-effective sugar reduction technology that can be applied across different product categories, with benefits beyond sugar reduction. It can also be used to produce low lactose and skimmed milk-based products, while reducing total sugars.

Using an enzymatic process, it reduces intrinsic sugar in ingredients such as malt, milk, and fruit juices by up to 30%, with a minimal impact on taste and texture. The sugar-reduced ingredients are then used in recipes for various products. There is no need to add sweeteners or bulking agents to replace the volume of the eliminated sugar.

When the patented sugar reduction method is applied to milk-based products, it also increases prebiotic fibers. First clinical studies have shown that these fibers can support the growth of multiple types of beneficial bacteria leading to a favorable microbiome composition in healthy adults.

Stefan Palzer, Nestlé Chief Technology Officer says, “Sugar reduction across our portfolio remains a top priority. This new technology is a true breakthrough, as we can reduce sugar without adding sweeteners while preserving a great taste, all at a minimal cost increase. In addition, our scientists discovered that the sugar reduction generates prebiotic fibers that support the microbiome, which is an additional benefit. We are now accelerating the global roll-out across formats and categories.”

The sugar reduction was first piloted in cocoa and malt-based ready-to-drink beverages in Southeast Asia and over the past year, Nestlé has already introduced it in factory lines for cocoa and malt-based powdered beverages such as Milo across several countries across Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Since 2021, the sugar reduction technology has been applied to over 200 000 tons of cocoa and malt-based beverages. The roll-out continues, and other product categories such as dairy powders will follow.

The development of novel technologies is part of Nestlé’s continuous efforts to improve the nutritional value of its products, while supporting responsible consumption as part of a balanced diet. The new sugar reduction technology complements a wide range of existing solutions which Nestlé has developed over the years in collaboration with external innovation partners and suppliers. This includes natural sweeteners, sweetness-enhancing or bitterness masking flavors, as well as natural bulking agents such as fibers, cereals and tailor-made dairy and cocoa powders.

We are Nestlé. The Good food, Good life company. We believe in the power of food to enhance lives.

Good food nourishes and delights the senses. It helps pets to thrive, children to grow healthily and parents to age gracefully. It helps all of us to live life to the fullest. Good food also respects our planet and protects resources for future generations. But times are changing fast. And we know that what’s good today won’t be good enough tomorrow. Consider the challenge of satisfying the needs of 10 billion people by 2050 in a responsible and sustainable way. This will demand innovation and change.

At Nestlé, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with food, drink and nutritional health solutions. That way we can enhance quality of life and contribute to a healthier future for all. Today, our business has around 275,000 employees, more than 2,000 brands and a presence in 188 countries.

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