Ministry of Health proposes 1cr for 100 food streets across country to promote hygiene and safe food Practices

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The Union Health Ministry, in conjunction with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, has requested that states/UTs create 100 food streets in 100 districts across the country.

This effort is being implemented as a pilot project to serve as a model for other such streets to be established across the country to ensure clean and safe food practices.

The goal of this initiative is to promote safe and healthy food practices among food enterprises and community members, resulting in fewer foodborne illnesses and better overall health outcomes.

In a letter to states, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan and Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Secretary Manoj Joshi stated, “Easy access to safe and hygienic food is critical for citizens’ good health.”

Safe food practices will not only promote the “eat right campaign” and food safety, but will also increase the sanitary credibility of local food enterprises, stimulate local employment, tourism, and, as a result, the economy.

It also contributes to a cleaner, greener environment. Street dishes have long been a part of Indian culture and can be found all around the country. They represent the rich local culinary tradition.

Street foods not only offer millions of people with a daily diet at low prices, but they also provide direct employment to a huge number of people and assist the tourism industry. Food safety and hygiene at street food businesses and hubs continue to be a source of concern.

While increased urbanization has resulted in easy access to food, it has also exacerbated the issue of food contamination and associated health risks due to unsanitary and dangerous food practices. This one-of-a-kind effort will be carried out by the National Health Mission (NHM) in collaboration with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs and with technical assistance from the FSSAI.

Financial assistance for the programme would be provided to states/UTs in the form of Rs.1 crore each food street/district to cover crucial shortages. In 100 districts around the country, 100 similar food streets will be established. This support will be offered in the ratio of 60:40 or 90:10 under the National Health Mission (NHM), under the proviso that standard branding of these food alleys be done in accordance with FSSAI rules.

Municipal Corporations/Development Authorities/District Collectors at the state level will take considerable measures to ensure financial and physical infrastructure convergence. Other measures to improve food safety standards include food handler training, independent third-party audits, and certification of Eat Right Street Food Hubs’ ‘SOP for Modernization of Food Streets’.

Schemes such as “Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUSV)”, a component of the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAYNULM), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, have also been implemented. Furthermore, states and territories might hold training programmes for street sellers to educate them on food safety, hygiene, and trash disposal.

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