ITC’s Candyman Fantastik Chocobar XL achieves Guinness World Records

ITC’s Candyman Fantastik Chocobar XL achieves the Guinness World Records for creating the Longest Line of Chocolate Bars crafted using 5130 Fantastik Chocobar XL bars. Co-created in assistance with school children from Light of Life Trust, the greeting card was an outsized but a simple, heart-warming gesture paying tribute to the nation builders.

Guinness World Records for Longest Line of Chocolate Bars manifests the brand’s core tenet of bringing an Xtra Large Delight in everything. The activity was conceptualized to acknowledge the contribution and dedication of teachers across India. The on-ground event, which took place at Bandra in Mumbai, witnessed Sushila Devi, Avinash Sable, and their coaches Jiwan Sharma and Jaiveer Singh reminiscing their years of hard work and training before their victory at the Commonwealth Games. The record was achieved within 4 to 6 hours with the help of 30 volunteers and children from Light of Life Trust, who dedicated this greeting card with the longest line of Chocobars to their teachers. Upon the conclusion of the activity, the Fantastik XL Chocobars used in the activity were distributed among the children from Light of Life Trust.

Commenting on this launch and this initiative, Anuj Rustagi, chief operating officer, Chocolates, Coffee and Confectionary, Foods Division, ITC, said, “Teachers are the beacons of knowledge, and they shape us to become our successful and best individual versions. There was no better way of showing our XL gratitude to our teachers this Teacher’s Day than with a larger-than-life greeting card made with the World’s longest line of chocolate bars. We are pleased to have set a new benchmark with this achievement. The Guinness World Records for Longest Line of Chocolate Bars is our humble effort to celebrate the teaching fraternity of our country. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Sushila Devi, Avinash Sable and their coaches who graced this historic moment.”

“Further, with this, Fantastik Chocobar XL marks the entry of ITC into the value-priced segment of chocolates category. Through our expertise in making fine chocolates, we can deliver an XL-sized product even in these tough times and offer superior taste at Rs 5 and Rs 10,” he added.

Speaking about her mentor Sushila Devi said, “I started training to play the sport at a very young age. Having faced many trials and tribulations along the way to achieving my goals, my coach gave me the strength to stay strong and face all my battles. I am grateful for all his teachings and have him as my mentor. I would like to congratulate Candyman Fantastik XL for honoring my coach and giving me a forum to again express my larger-than-life gratitude in an XL manner.”

Speaking about his mentor Avinash Sable said, “I would take this opportunity to thank my coach for creating an unbreakable mindset which helped me win the honor for my country.

I am grateful to have had a world-class coach who changed my perception of the sport and shaped me for the ultimate win. He not only inspired me to believe that I could win, but he trained me to win. I am thankful to Team Fantastik for felicitating my coaches today and helping me express my XL gratitude towards them.”

With a path-breaking record in its armor, the brand is optimistic that consumers will love the all-new Candyman Fantastik Chocobar XL. The newly relaunched product is available across general stores and retail outlets in the country and on ITC’s own D2C delivery platform

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