Internship, R&D and Quality Assurance – 3S Fitness Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

3S Fitness Technologies was founded in 2016 after 4 friends, Sarthak VyasHimanshu BajpaiPiyush Kerni and Aditya Sinha, looked at the opportunity in the biggest problem statement of dietary supplement market in India and that was, “Finding an appropriate manufacturer?”.

The idea was to create a manufacturing ecosystem which relies on knowledge, market insight, industry trends and most importantly innovation to deliver products which empower our clients to bring their nutritional dreams to life. The proposed products and approach made company grew at a good pace and in just 18 months after starting its operations, 3S Fitness Technologies became one of the few players with 100% sterile production floor for nutraceuticals in India.


In our journey of last 4 years, 3S has developed more than 305 unique SKU’s, produced for more than 30+ brands in India and overseas and reached out to more than a Million end consumers3S has successfully been able to maintain a client retention rate of 98%3S believes in empowering their client’s brand and make them able to bring their ideas to market fast. 3S is a young and dynamic organization, with a hunger to create something new and better every day and this is reflected in everything we do – from the business intelligence we share with our clients to the product we develop, to a process we adhere to in our production, to a belief and flavor we deliver to the end consumer.

Internship Positions Available: R&D and Quality Assurance at 3S Fitness Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

As a leading nutraceutical manufacturing company, we are at the forefront of
creating innovative products that promote health and wellness. We’re on the
lookout for dedicated interns to join us in our journey of shaping the future
of the industry.

Why Intern with Us?
-Hands-On Experience: Gain practical insights into the nutraceutical world and actively contribute to groundbreaking research and development projects.
-Learning Opportunities: Work closely with industry experts who are committed to mentoring and nurturing your skills.
-Innovation and Creativity: Be a part of a team that thrives on innovation, where your ideas matter and can make a real impact.

Internship Roles:
1. R&D Intern: Dive into the world of research and development, exploring new formulations, conducting experiments, and contributing to the creation of cutting-edge products.

2. Quality Assurance Intern: Ensure our products meet the highest standards by assisting in quality control processes, conducting inspections, and implementing quality improvement initiatives.

Who We’re Looking For:
– Enthusiastic individuals with a background in Nutritional Sciences, Chemistry, or related fields.
-Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
-Excellent communication and teamwork abilities.

Company: 3S Fitness Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Location: IMT Sector 8,Manesar, Haryana.

Internship Duration: 3-6 Months

How to Apply:
Send your resume and a brief cover letter highlighting your interest and relevant skills

Join us on this exciting journey as we strive to make a positive impact on the
well-being of individuals worldwide. Together, let’s innovate, learn, and grow!

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🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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