FSSAI’s Direction on strict Enforcement to check blending of Mustard Oil with other Oils

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has referred its earlier notification dated 8 March 2021 regarding the blending of Mustard Oil for production of Multi Sourced Edible Oil (MSEO) has been prohibited w.e.f. 08.06.2021.

Later, the apex body of food safety ordered to carry out inspection drives of all such units that were licensed for production of Mustard BEVO/MSEO and also to check and ensure whether any prohibited blending of mustard oil was being carried out after the given date. In order to curb the blending of mustard oil with other oils, FBOs are requested to take required actions in the matter. FBOs are required to carry out surveillance and enforcement drives at regular intervals both at the manufacturing and market levels to ensure effective enforcement of the declared prohibition of blending of mustard oil in the respective area of jurisdiction.

FSSAI has also clarified that the reports of this matter should be shared on regular intervals at enforcement1@fssai.gov.in The first report may be shared by 15th May, 2022.The decision has been taken with the approval of the Competent Authority.


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