FSSAI seizes 16.1 tonnes of mangoes ripened using ethylene from Coimbatore

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) seized 16.1 tonnes of mangoes, which were found to have been ripened using ethylene sachets in an unapproved way, in simultaneous searches conducted in fruit shops in Coimbatore city on Thursday.

The seized mangoes, worth ₹12.91 lakh, were ground to pulp at Coimbatore Corporation’s manoeuvre-production unit at Vellalore dump yard for making compost.

According to a release from the district administration, seven teams led by FSSAI Designated Officer K. Tamilselvan carried out simultaneous raids at fruit stalls and warehouses on Vyasial Street, Big Bazaar Street, Pavalam Street-I and II, Kempatty Colony Street and Karuppa Gounder Street based on instructions from District Collector Kranthi Kumar Pati.

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The teams, comprising 14 food safety officers, searched a total of 55 shops and godowns. Out of these, 15 godowns and 16 wholesale fruit stalls were found to have stored mangoes, which were ripened using ethylene sachets in an unapproved way. The sachets were found to have placed in trays, making direct contact with mangoes, which is not an approved way of using the ripening agent.

The officials seized 16,107 kg of mangoes and 100 kg of decaying apples, which were kept for sales.

The FSSAI served noticed on all the shops which were found to have stored mangoes ripened using ethylene sachets. Public can report food safety-related grievances to 94440 42322.

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