Quality executive (Quality Trainee) – BD Agro Foods

Come along on a delicious trip down memory lane with us! We began by making oils and selling grains, keeping things simple and yummy. As time passed, we grew into a big food family, introducing frozen treats and cool farming ideas like “Dheeraj DF Biotech.” Today, we’re all about making tasty food with lots of heart.

Step into a culinary journey that started in the 1950s, rooted in simplicity and a commitment to quality. From our humble beginnings as oil manufacturers and grain merchants, we’ve grown into a diverse food destination. Explore our evolution from supplying grains to the BSF, trading ventures, and becoming a flagship company. Our story unfolds with innovations like frozen products and the best agricultural techniques.

As we stepped into the 1960s, our journey took a significant turn. Evolving from being a mere supplier of grains to the BSF (Border Security Force), we transformed into dedicated grain merchants. This shift marked a pivotal moment, as we broadened our market reach beyond the local community.

🏅 Food safety training & certification  programs (June or July month)

The decade witnessed our commitment to providing high-quality grains gaining momentum, establishing us as a trusted partner for not just households but also for institutions like the BSF. This expansion set the stage for a new chapter in our culinary expedition, laying the groundwork for a more extensive and diverse array of offerings in the years to come.

Our Purpose

At BD Agro Foods, our purpose is simple yet powerful. We bring you nothing but the freshest and finest products because that’s what our customers deserve. We’re committed to ensuring that every item we offer meets our strict standards for quality and excellence.

To achieve this, we work closely with producers who share our values and commitment to delivering top-notch quality. It’s not just about business for us; it’s about bringing you products that reflect our dedication to freshness, exclusivity, and high standards. Your satisfaction and well-being drive our purpose every day.

Our Vision

We envision BD Agro Foods as a global leader, leaving an indelible mark in the food processing industry. Our commitment extends beyond products; it’s about enhancing lives through innovation, ethical practices, and visionary leadership.

We promise to uphold the highest standards of food safety while maintaining sustainability in our operations. By embracing forefront practices and cultivating a culture of excellence, we strive to set new benchmarks that positively impact the global community. Our vision is a future where BD Agro Foods is synonymous with unparalleled quality, innovation, and a profound commitment to the well-being of our customers worldwide.

Requirement for foodtechnlogist.

Job profile :- Quality executives 

  • Company Name: B.D.AGRO FOODS.
  • Location: Kapurthala
  • Vacancy – 2
  • Experience:- fresher & 1 year (frozen industry candidates preferred)
  • Job Type: Full-time
  • Note: Ready to relocate or local candidates preferred.

🏅 Food safety training & certification  programs (June or July month)

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
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📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)
🔗 https://bit.ly/3JDyPIN

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