FSSAI registration must for foreign firms selling milk, meat items here from February 1, 2023

The registrations of foreign food manufacturing facilities exporting meat, milk and infant foods to India have been made mandatory by the food regulator FSSAI.

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) said that the registration of foreign food manufacturing facilities who are intended to export milk and meat products shall be mandatory. The order will be effective from February 1, 2023.

The registrations have been made mandatory for foreign food manufacturing facilities exporting products such as meat, milk and infants’ food to India. The categories under which the order will remain applicable include: poultry, fish and their products; egg powder; infant food; and nutraceuticals.

Earlier, Union Minister Piyush Goyal on Monday asked the Quality Council of India to strive to bring about a convergence of all the various quality and standards organisations in the country. He asked the industry to ensure that their products meet international quality standards and help build ‘Brand India’.

The minister, who was addressing an event organised by the Quality Council of India (QCI), called for convergence of various quality certification related organisations such as FSSAI, the BIS, the Rail or Defense establishments.

The FSSAI has requested all competent authorities of exporting countries to provide the list of existing manufacturers and those who intended to export these food products to India. Based on information provided by them, the FSSAI will register these facilities on its portal.

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