Freshers, Food Safety Lead Associate – The Emvee Co.


Food companies across the supply chain – from producers, packers, and manufacturers to distributors and retailers –recognize that strong food safety management and practices are fundamental to the health and well-being of consumers & essential for protecting brand reputation and growth of the business.

The Emvee Co. has been a pioneer and leader in providing food safety consultancy, training and implementation services to food businesses. Our mission is to help our clients navigate the requirements of ever-evolving and self-regulated food safety requirements through world-class research-based food safety solutions and training facilities.

We provide expert guidance on the mandatory regulatory requirements and also assist the food handlers in developing their competency in food safety through our well-developed and curated food safety training courses. We assist a wide spectrum of food businesses ranging from global and Indian established food businesses, startups, new food businesses, catering industry serving at schools, corporates, canteens, restaurants, hotels, food trucks and cloud kitchens, nutraceuticals, storage warehouses, importers, exporters and others food handlers and producers in implementing the food safety requirements in their premises in cost-efficient manner. Our expert food safety consultants & auditors help the food businesses in food safety documentation and internal inspections to prepare them to obtain food safety certification with ease.

Our team of high-caliber food safety consultants & professionals has the right experience and the knowledge to ensure that our clients are always compliant with the food safety requirements set by international standards in addition to Food Safety & Standards Act and the regulations thereunder. With us, you’ll find all your food safety solutions under one roof.

Job description

Education & experience – Food Technology graduate with 0-2 years of experience

Number of positions – 2

Major skill set required –

1.      Good knowledge about FSS Act, 2006, and its rules & regulations.

2.      Knowledge about ISO22000, HACCP, GMP, GHP & other food safety management systems.

3.      Hands-on expertise in developing good-quality presentations & documents and managing excel sheets.

4.      Good communication skills and command of language (both verbal & written).

5.      Good presenter and able to conduct training sessions and engage with the trainees.

6.      Master in handling various social media channels and promoting the business through digital marketing.

7.      Versatility to undertake and manage the task as and when provided.

Job Location – Delhi

Interested candidate may share their resume

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group

🖥 Food Safety Training programs

📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)


  • Shalini Shalini
    March 1, 2023

    Want to do join in your organization

  • Roshini Ullas Kudtalkar
    March 1, 2023

    Food technology related jobs

  • Roshini Ullas Kudtalkar
    March 1, 2023

    Food technology student

  • Gazal Parsa
    March 1, 2023

    I am interested in this post and my qualifications and experience matches your requirement please consider my profile.

    • Nagashree
      March 6, 2023

      Food technology related jobs

  • Rachel
    March 1, 2023

    I am interested in this particular role . Kindly give me the opportunity to apply my skills and knowledge in this field.I am currently pursuing last year of my graduation in food technology.
    Rachel Rashika Lohia

  • Nadeem
    March 2, 2023

    Interested…. I am B.Tech food Technologist with 10+ years of experience in FMCG industry.

  • Nagashree
    March 6, 2023

    Yes i am interested in food technology related jobs

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