Fibre Bottle Generation 2.0. One step closer.

At Carlsberg we’re partnering to rethink packaging. After starting the Fibre Bottle project in 2015 with several partners, in 2019 it matured into a formal partnership with Paboco.

In 2022 we have made bio-based and fully recyclable bottles available to consumers in our largest ever trial.

A significant milestone for the new generation Fibre Bottle is its plant-based PEF polymer lining, which has been developed by our partner Avantium, a leading expert in renewable chemistry.

PEF is made entirely from natural raw materials, is compatible with plastic recycling systems, and can degrade into nature should it end up outside national recycling systems. Beyond its sustainable packaging benefits, PEF functions as a highly effective barrier between the beer and the fibre outer shell, protecting the taste and fizziness of the beer better than conventional fossil-fuel-based PET plastic. 

Packaging forms a substantial part of our value chain carbon footprint, so innovations are vital for meeting our 30% reduction target by 2030.

In 2018 we launched a number of sustainable packaging solutions, including recycled shrink film, greener label ink and the plastic-reducing Snap Pack. They contribute towards our commitment to a 30% reduction in our full-value-chain carbon footprint by 2030.

The outer shell of the bottle, produced by the packaging company Paboco, consists of sustainably-sourced wood fibre and is also bio-based. This shell has the added benefit of insulative properties which can help keep beer colder for longer, compared to cans or glass bottles.

Advancements have not been limited to the bottle itself, as we have also bottled a more sustainable brew for our 2022 consumer trials. In collaboration with barley malt supplier Soufflet, we have brewed a beer with barley that has been cultivated using fully organic and regenerative agricultural practices.

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