Coca-Cola India enters ready-to-drink tea beverages segment

Coca-Cola India announced the introduction of ‘Honest Tea’ on Wednesday, entering the ready-to-drink tea beverage category. Honest, a subsidiary of the Coca-Cola Company, owns the brand.

According to the sources, the organic green tea for the product will be obtained from Kolkata-based Luxmi Tea Co Private Ltd’s Makaibari Tea Estate.

At the seventh edition of the Bengal Global Business Summit (BGBS) today, the two firms inked an MoU in this respect.

According to a top Coca-Cola India & Southwest Asia executive, the objective behind the introduction was to give customers more beverage alternatives.

The company plans to introduce the iced green tea in Lemon-Tulsi and Mango variants.

Coca-Cola India is one of the country’s largest beverage firms, providing consumers with a variety of healthy, safe, high-quality, refreshing beverage alternatives. Through a broad network of over 2.6 million retail locations, the Company and its bottling partners touch the lives of millions of people. Its brands are among the most popular and widely distributed in the country.

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