Bisleri’s Vedica Launches Premium Himalayan Sparkling Water

Bisleri International’s premium beverage brand, Vedica Himalayan Spring Water, is expanding its product line with the introduction of ‘Vedica Himalayan Sparkling Water.’ This new offering, inspired by the pristine beauty of the Himalayas, combines effervescence with a perfectly balanced mineral composition to deliver a refreshing experience.

Priced at Rs 175 for a 300ml glass bottle, Vedica Himalayan Sparkling Water is designed for health-conscious consumers. It ensures a high level of quality and will be available through various distribution channels, including HoReCa, Modern and General Trade, Q-commerce, and the Bisleri @Doorstep App.

Sourced directly from the Himalayan peaks, this sparkling water embodies the splendor of nature. Its bottle features intricate carvings on the neck, a regal crown cap, and a label reminiscent of starry evening skies with gold accents. Vedica Himalayan Sparkling Water promises outstanding quality, purity, and a balanced carbonation level, catering to the discerning Indian epicurean audience.

Jayanti Khan Chauhan, Vice Chairperson of Bisleri International Pvt Ltd, emphasized the blend of innovation and sophistication in Vedica Himalayan Sparkling Water. She highlighted its invigorating properties, making it an ideal choice for the upcoming festive season, often associated with celebratory beverages.

This sparkling water is not just a standalone refreshment but also a versatile ingredient for creative concoctions and a complement to various cuisines. Vedica Himalayan Sparkling Water aims to elevate the quality of life by offering a taste of luxury and purity.

Experience refreshments like never before with Vedica Himalayan Sparkling Water, the drink that takes you to new heights of flavor and sophistication.

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