Andhra Pradesh CM inaugurate ITC’s world-class ultra-modern spices plant near Guntur on Friday

Andhra Pradesh chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy will inaugurate the ultra-modern internationally benchmarked spices plant owned by ITC Limited at Edlapadu village on Friday.

ITC developed the spices plant at a cost of Rs 200 crore.

The state-of-the-art mega facility will have processing lines for turmeric, chilli, and blended spices, with an annual capacity of 20,400 million tons (MT).

It will have the capability to produce over 15 organic spices and will boost ITC’s food exports globally.

The target global markets are Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, and China, among other countries.

The world-class ‘Make in India’ plant will cater to all processing needs, including storage, cleaning, processing, sterilization, packing, and quality testing, leading to end-to-end custody of quality assurance.

The unit will also anchor a sustainable spices value chain that will extend support to farmers through a robust crop development programme ensuring traceability.

The facility will be powered by high-tech energy-efficient equipment and will have rooftop solar panels to ensure clean energy consumption. A majority of the workforce at the unit will include women.

ITC chairman Sanjiv Puri said that the plant was the result of the chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s vision to usher in the rapid and inclusive socio-economic development of the state.

“The future-ready, export-oriented facility is an iconic Make-in-India industrial unit that will offer the finest quality of spices to the world conforming to global food safety export norms, whilst anchoring local agri-value chains. The unit will also be a flag-bearer of sustainability and inclusion owing to its 360-degree initiatives that will contribute to raising farmer incomes, foster women empowerment and support large-scale livelihoods whilst promoting extensive use of renewable energy,” said Puri.

He explained that ITC, which has a century-old association with Andhra Pradesh, has been expanding its presence across the three key sectors of the state’s economy — agriculture, manufacturing, and services.

The company’s extensive agri-business presence in the state spans a range of sustainable value chains encompassing spices, rice, aqua, fruits, and pulpwood among others.

ITC’s manufacturing footprint in Andhra Pradesh has been strengthened over the years with over 14 units, including its own facilities and those where the company has promoted local entrepreneurship.

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