WHO creates data-driven dietary assessment tool to measure health

The tool allows various health, diet and environmental scenarios to be modelled based on country-level data

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has developed a data-driven dietary impact assessment (DIA) for policymakers, researchers and practitioners in Europe to answer questions about the health and environmental impacts of diets. The tool was launched in a public webinar this week and will also be showcased at the COP28 conference later this month. It is ready for use in a few countries that have not yet been disclosed. 

The incentive for the tool is to alleviate unhealthy diets that are a leading risk factor for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) — from diabetes to cancer and cardiovascular diseases — and are responsible for one in five deaths globally. In addition, many diets and food systems are unsustainable.

The DIA tool has been launched after many years of development, in consultation with Member States. The tool allows various health, diet and environmental scenarios to be modelled based on country-level data.  

This tool incorporates a wealth of scientific evidence and uses up-to-date data on health and environmental indicators. It allows user-specific scenarios to be generated, creating evidence to inform policy development and strengthening. 

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