Wardwizard Foods and Gujarat Govt ink MOU to boost food manufacturing

Wardwizard Foods and Beverages Limited has announced the signing of a significant Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), with Government of Gujarat, marking a pivotal moment in the expansion of food manufacturing capabilities in the state.

The formal signing of this transformative MoU unfolded on December 13, 2023, marking a commitment to propel Gujarat’s development into an accelerated trajectory. Symbolising this profound commitment, D. H. Shah, representing Government of Gujarat as managing director of Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Limited, and Sheetal Bhalerao, as chairperson and managing director of Wardwizard Foods and Beverages Ltd., signed the agreement.

Under this agreement, the company plans to further expand operations across Gujarat, aiming to broaden their production of Ready-to-Eat foods, Mayonnaise sauce, Frozen Foods, and more. This visionary project is poised to catalyse an investment of Rs 500 crore, fostering substantial growth opportunities in the area.

Bhalerao said, “We are proud to collaborate with the Government of Gujarat on this transformative initiative. We’re not just expanding; we’re igniting a revolution. This partnership with Government of Gujarat isn’t just about food manufacturing; it’s about reshaping Gujarat’s economic landscape. We are confident that this collaboration will pave the way for sustained economic growth, generating 750 employment opportunities in the foreseeable future.”

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