Research Scientist – Plant Biologist, ekaterra Tea

Hello, we’re ekaterra. The world’s biggest tea company.

Founded in 2021, but with a history of more than 150 years, we’re home to more than 34 world-famous tea brands.

From Lipton and Pukka, to TAZO®, PG tips and T2, you’ll find our tasty brews in more than 100 countries.

Like the best-loved teas, our name is a blend: eka is Sanskrit, and means ‘one’.

And in Latin, terra means ‘land’. In Chinese, it means ‘nature’. It’s a reminder there’s only one earth. If we care for her, she’ll look after us too.

We bring these ideas and cultures together in our shared purpose: to create a world of wellbeing through the regenerative power of plants.

With our brands and partners, we support people and planet, in equal measure. Creating a virtuous cycle of growth for everyone related to ekaterra: our farming communities, our consumers, employees, and shareholders.

With over 15,000 colleagues in four continents, we bring tasty teas and infusions to more than 600 million people each day. In homes, cafes and restaurants, and places of work.

 Job Type: Permanent

 Location: Bangalore, India

 Your Role

Delivering superior technologies and innovations to solve consumer relevant problems is very crucial for success in the area of plant-based beverages.  Driven by this strong demand, Unilever and ekaterra has set up a Tea Technology Unit under joint development agreement to deliver cutting-edge technologies through fundamental understanding on various secondary metabolite pathways in tea and other botanicals through cross fertilization of ideas between biologists, chemists, chemical engineers. The biology/bioscience/biochemistry/biotechnology expertise are an integral part of other leading-edge expertise that Tea Technology Unit/Unilever Beverages/ekaterra has in the area of process engineering, product chemistry, analytical chemistry, health and wellness. 

 Main Accountabilities:

  • Elucidating metabolitic pathways for secondary metabolites in tea and naturals and their application in health & wellbeing and end cup sensorial
  • To develop cutting-edge technologies supported by risk-based assessment, consumer benefit to drive product superiority and savings
  • Underpinning the science across  processes, product chemistry/ key technologies/innovations via closely working with Global TPLs, ecosystem partners
  • To influence both Global and local R&D teams on implementing technological solutions in plant based beverages portfolio which are sustainably accretive
  • To support global and local design teams on claims and KBS on product and processes
  • Accountable to build CAP strategy, obtaining regulatory compliances, product safety of new processes, products developed in the team
  • Inspire and actively develop junior team members by proactively working on their development plans.
  • Stakeholders management, get outside-in-first – the scientific insights, technologies etc

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• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship

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