Quality Assurance Officer, Food technology jobs at Britannia

food tech jobs

Welcome to Britannia Industries. We are a company with a 120-year legacy of creating snacks full of exciting goodness! Our journey began in 1892 when a group of businessmen in Kolkata, formed a company to manufacture biscuits. Over the years, our product portfolio has expanded to include a range of delicious and nutritious snacks that are loved by people across the country. Today, we serve a billion people across India, on various consumption occasions catering to different tastes. 

Our products are available in every corner of the country. Tasty food is integral to good living, and we take great pride in providing products that are not only delicious but also nutritious. 

Our vision is to be a Responsible Global Total Foods company. We believe that food should be both tasty and healthy, and our product portfolio reflects this vision. From our classic biscuits and cakes to our new range of healthy snacks, we are committed to offering products that are good for you and good for the planet. 

At Britannia, we are constantly working towards making exciting new products for all consumer segments and consumption occasions. 

Our R&D team is passionate about developing innovative products that reflect evolving consumer preferences. We believe that innovation is key to our success, and a key reason for our leadership in the market. Our product portfolio includes a wide range of biscuits, cakes, and snacks that are loved by people of all ages. Our classic biscuits such as Good Day, Marie Gold, and 50-50 are household names in India. 

Our cakes and breads are a staple at birthdays and special occasions. We also have a range of healthy snacks such as NutriChoice Digestive Biscuits and NutriChoice 5 Grain biscuits that are perfect for the health-conscious. 

We are committed to being a responsible and sustainable company. We believe that it is our responsibility to take care of the planet and the communities in which we operate. We champion several initiatives to reduce our environmental footprint, including using renewable energy sources, reducing packaging waste, and promoting sustainable farming practices. We also believe in giving back to the communities in which we operate. 

Through our various CSR initiatives, we have been able to make a positive impact on the lives of thousands of people across India. Our initiatives include programs for education, health, and nutrition, and we work closely with local communities to understand their needs and provide support where it is most needed. At Britannia, we believe that our success is not just measured by our financial performance but also by our impact on society and the environment. 

We are committed to being a responsible and sustainable company, and we believe that our actions today will shape the future. Britannia Industries is a company with a rich legacy and a commitment to innovation, sustainability, and responsibility. We are proud to serve a billion people across India and to provide products that are both delicious and nutritious. With our focus on R&D, innovation, and sustainability, we will continue to uphold the standards of leadership in our industry.

Position Title: Quality Assurance Officer

Function: Quality

Internal Key Stakeholders:

  • Production Officer
  • Stores Officer
  • CP officers


  • Sales

Educational Qualification: Graduate in Food Technology/ Msc. Chemistry

Experience: 3-5 years of experience in Quality Assurance

Desired Competencies

  • Familiarity with the tools, concepts and methodologies of quality management.
  • Basic knowledge of applicable software to infer statistical data. Negotiation skills. Customer Orientation.

Key Responsibilities

  • Header: Quality & Food Safety Execution
  • Ensure on-line product quality monitoring & immediate action taken through production officers & CP management to address any non-conformity
  • Ensure testing of finished goods as per standard sampling & test method with correct documentation. Particpate in product quality exercise regularly.
  • Periodic verification of process records, incoming quality check records,ingredient shelf-life records, in-process quality check records
  • Regular verification of correct functioning of critical process equipments like weighing balances, metal detectors, sifters, dividers, moulders, oven, slicers and coders
  • Ensure basic hygiene, food safety & GMP requirements are complied with in manufacturing.
  • Ensure critical to food safety processes are being complied with at any point in time during manufacturing. This would include metal detector, pest control,conveyor condition, equipment cleanliness, sieves & magnets, personnel hygiene, storage condition etc.
  • Conduct training sessions for workers to create awareness on quality standards, GMP, food safety & hygiene
  • Regular audit of systems, processes & lab to verify compliance to quality & food safety standards
  • Immediate & suitable action against issues related to process/system/norm non-adherence,equipment malfunctioning, quality monitoring, food safety & hygiene to prevent the outcome affecting consumers & brand value.
  • Outcomes expected: Compliance to standards
  • Header: Statutory Compliance
  • Ensure wrappers are checked for presence of correct addresses,MRP, veg logo,mandatory declarations & necessary documentation maintained
  • Ensure sufficient samples are checked for weight at every stage of production
  • Ensure immediate action in process to correct the non-adherence before continuing
  • Verification of compliance to pack weights by random sampling on regular basis
  • Ensure no lots detected with underweight packs are released without 100% checking & sorting
  • Ensure functioning of coder with legible printing on each & every pack across SKUs
  • Ensure systems are followed during change in date, shift, supervisor’s name with necessary documentation
  • Verification of compliance to coding by random sampling on regular basis
  • Ensure all weighing balances & dead weights are calibrated as per schedule & not in use without necessary certification
  • Outcomes expected: Packs & Products complying to statutory requirements
  • Header: Consumer Complaints
  • Share each & every complaint as & when they are received with CP management & concerned supervisors,operators & shop floor workers
  • Identify probable causes of the complaint irrespective of sample availability in consultation with CP management, supervisors,operators & workers
  • Assist in designing corrective & preventive measures alongwith the team & implement the same with immediate effect
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of action through regular evaluation of process & product & trend of complaint of similar nature in subsequent months.
  • Analyse all complaints registered in terms of category, SKU,extent, trend etc. & share with CP management on regular basis to demonstrate status of improvement & drawing up further action plan
  • Outcomes expected: Reduction in number of complaints
  • Header: Benchmarking
  • Visit to retail outlets & distribution points weekly once for understanding customer & consumer quality concerns
  • Evaluate competition products in terms of grammage,packaging,product quality features etc.
  • Identify improvement opportunities & share action plans with operation & quality for improvements
  • Measure effectiveness of improvement through market evaluation & customer feedback
  • Outcomes expected: Consistent & superior quality products
  • Header: Process Improvement Initiatives
  • Identify and prioritize improvement opportunities in areas like system , process, cost,time in consultation with operations & quality & apply project based approach towards improvement
  • Periodically review improvement in the overall quality of processes and systems at the factory
  • Header: Mangement information System
  • Send periodic summary report on factory quality performance to quality manager
  • Communicate critical to quality & food safety concerns to quality manager & all other concerned as soon as they are observed
  • Outcomes expected: Periodic performance report

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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