Operationalization of MRL (Maximum Residue Limit) of Pesticides used in Tea


In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 92 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, FSSAI has notified the draft FSS (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Amendment Regulations, 2020 on 20.08.2020 relating to the revision of MRL of pesticides used in Tea alongwith other crops and commodities.

The above mentioned draft amendment regulations are in the process of Inter-ministerial consultations, thus, the finalization of these amendment regulations is likely to take some time.

Meanwhile, based on representation received and considering the fact that five pesticides namely, Emamectin Benzoate, Fenpyroximate, Hexaconazole, Propiconazole and Quinalphos are widely used for crop protection in Tea plantations and that the MRL of these pesticides have been revised upwards on the basis of data through draft notification dated 20.08.2020, it has been decided to operationalize the MRIL of below mentioned five pesticides for Tea, with immediate effect:

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority in exercise of the powers vested under Section 18(2)(d) read with 16(5) of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.

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