Nestlé CEREGROW expands portfolio, launches CEREGROW Grain Selection inspired by traditional ingredients

Nestlé India’s commitment to innovate by unlocking the powerof food, Nestlé CEREGROW™ has expanded its portfolio with the launch of a new sub-brand, CEREGROW™ Grain Selection™. Inspired by traditional ingredients, the 1st product being launched in this range is a nutritious cereal for toddlers made from ragi, mixed fruits and ghee.

Commenting on the launch, Vineet Singh, Head, Nutrition Business, Nestlé India, said, “After the pandemic, parents are increasingly looking for ways to integrate traditional ingredients and recipes into their children’s diets, along with the confidence of assured nutrition. Nestlé CEREGROW™ Multigrain Cereals with Milk & Fruit, has been one of our most successful launches in the recent past with the promise of ‘Full Nutrition, Full Assurance (Poora Poshan, Poori Tasalli)’.

We believe that the all-new CEREGROW™ Grain Selection™ Ragi mixed fruits & ghee, will help mothers incorporate traditional ingredients in their toddler’s diet in a nutritious and tasty form.”

Millets have been an integral component of the food basket in India, and CEREGROW™ Grain Selection™ is an ode to rediscover the value of these traditional millets. The new, CEREGROW™ Grain Selection™ ragi, mixed fruit & ghee, would be available across major retail and online stores in India.

To honour the nutrient-rich millets and increase public awareness, 2023 has been declared as the International Year of MilletsGrown for over 4000 years, millets like ragi (also known as nachni, mandua, keppai) require less water for cultivation and is good for sustainable agriculture.

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  • Sakshi
    September 22, 2022

    Hi can you give me job

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