Lovely Professional University R&D team prepares golden milk formulation with nanocurcumin

Curcumin used in this research is in nano form which increases the solubility of curcumin 33 folds

Jalandhar-based Lovely Professional University (LPU) has conducted a research and prepared golden milk, also known as turmeric milk. The research involved golden yellow free flowing milk powder as it has multifaceted health benefits. The innovative product has been prepared using a simple technique of mixing and does not require any sophisticated instrument or highly skilled labour to formulate this, overall leading to a scalable and commercializable product.

Dr Sachin Kumar Singh, Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lovely Professional University said, “Our objective was to create solidified golden milk, a milk formulation supplemented with nanocurcumin with a more pleasant taste and improved curcumin solubility, which will result in greater health benefits. We are extremely glad that our research derived the desired results. The newly developed product also helps improve memory and attention span in older people along with other benefits.”

For preparing the golden milk, LPU first made an attempt to increase the solubility of curcumin wherein the solubility was increased from 3 to 99%. The solubility of curcumin was increased by dissolving curcumin in a mixture of oils and surfactants. Afterwards this mixture was adsorbed on the surface of solidified milk powder to which sugar was added. Finally in order to enhance its taste, different flavours (vanilla, butterscotch, mango, pineapple, chocolate) were added in golden milk. In this way the team has prepared solidified golden milk with enhanced pleasant taste and improved solubility of curcumin which will result in better health benefits.

Several companies dealing in nutraceuticals/food industry such as A 1 Plus have approached for taking this technology at commercial level. 

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