Kurkure expands its portfolio with new ‘chatpata cheese’ flavour

Strengthening its distinct position in the market, Kurkure, one of India’s most loved snack brands, has expanded its portfolio with its latest flavour innovation Kurkure Chatpata Cheese. The new flavour is a permanent addition to the Kurkure family and brings the perfect ‘jugalbandi’ of the brand’s classic ‘chatpata masala’ with cheddar cheese, inspired by the globally successful Cheddar Jalapeño flavour.

The latest flavour innovation is a response to the increasing consumer demand of dairy flavours in the Indian salty snacks category. The all-new product extends the brand’s play beyond the classic ‘masala’ flavour, which is unheard of in the collet category. The new fusion flavour is a unique combination of international cheese and ‘chatpata masala’ magic, which is just ‘two much fun’.

Expressing her thoughts on the launch, Neha Sharma, associate director and brand lead, Kurkure, said, “As a brand that always captures the pulse of the nation, Kurkure offers innovative products to suit the evolving tastes of our consumers. With the launch of the all-new Kurkure Chatpata Cheese, we are expanding our portfolio in the dairy flavour bucket with a differentiated winning flavour proposition. The signature ‘masaledaar’ taste of Kurkure combined with international cheese will bring alive a ‘chatpata’ fusion flavour that will be distinct and memorable.”

The product is available at Rs 5, Rs 10, and Rs 20 across all leading retail and e-commerce platforms in India. For this launch, Kurkure will stay true to its unconventional yet relatable portrayal of modern Indian family scenarios in its upcoming TVC, followed by a robust 360-degree surround campaign across multiple platforms and quirky initiatives for its fans.

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