Karachi Bakery selling expired products: Hyderabad store found violating regulations; officials discard rusks, biscuits

The Commissioner of Food Safety for Telangana recently discovered multiple violations at popular eateries and food stores in Hyderabad, including expired rusks, biscuits, candy, and improper labelling.

Additionally, several pastries and cakes lacked use-by dates, violating FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) regulations.

In a post on X, the Commissioner of Food Safety, Telangana, said, “Task force has conducted inspections at Moazzam Jahi Market area recently.”

At ‘Bilal Ice Cream’, the outlet and their manufacturing unit have been found operating without any valid license/registration. The fake brand water bottles found. Also, notice issued and action will be taken,” it further added.

Also, “‘Karachi Bakery,’ the expired stocks of Rusks, biscuits, candy, chocolate cakes, toasts and buns worth ₹5,200 were discarded. Use by dates not displayed on pastries and cakes, thereby violating the FSSAI regulations. Moreover, multiple unlabelled products were found violating the FSSAI Act.”

On May 4, the Food Safety Task Force inspected the Himayatnagar area and identified multiple violations at Clove Vegetarian Fine Dine. During the inspection, expired products such as cheese, syrup, ATC spices, sandwich bread, and brown sugar were found and promptly discarded.

Additionally, live cockroaches were discovered in the ice cream storage unit, and carrots showed signs of fungal infestation, rendering them unfit for human consumption.

In the fridge, cooked vegetable biryani was found, but it was stored in unsanitary conditions, including stagnant drainage. The task force also found unlabeled chana dal, and officials took samples for further examination.

What do FSSAI regulations say?

FSSAI is a statutory body established under the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006, and it operates under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

The regulations encompass a wide range of requirements, including:

Food Labeling and Packaging: These rules detail what information must be provided on food labels, such as the name of the product, ingredients, nutritional information, manufacturer details, expiry dates, and other relevant information to help consumers make informed choices.

Food Safety Standards: These set out the acceptable limits for various contaminants, additives, and residues in food products, ensuring they are safe for consumption.

Hygiene and Safety Practices: Guidelines for food handlers and businesses on maintaining hygiene, sanitation, and food safety throughout the supply chain.

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