India and World Food Programme (WFP) sign agreement for fifth tranche of wheat donation to Afghanistan

The Government of India has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) for the delivery of humanitarian assistance comprising 10,000 MT of wheat for the people of Afghanistan reeling from the effects of the acute food crisis in the country.

The agreement was signed in Mumbai between J. P. Singh, Joint Secretary, Policy and Implementation (PAI) Division, Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India, and Elisabeth Faure, WFP’s Representative and Country Director in India.

The MoU marks the fifth tranche of food aid India committed to in 2020, and will be shipped through Iran’s Chabahar Port. Last year, the Government of India shipped 40,000 MT of wheat to Afghanistan, contributing to WFP’s efforts to reach 23 million food-insecure people across the country.

Since August 2022, nine out of 10 Afghan families cannot afford enough food. Currently, nearly 20 million Afghans do not know where their next meal will come from. Six million of them are one step away from famine.

A massive two-thirds of the population – more than 28 million people – needs humanitarian assistance this year, 10 million more than two years ago.

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