IIT Roorkee bags Eat Right Campus award 2022 from FSSAI

The high quality of food served by IIT Roorkee has bagged it the Eat Right Campus award 2022 from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) which conducted a third-party audit of all 12 messes of the institute from August 21 to 23, 2022.

The audit was conducted on the basis of international standards and protocols, which assessed the preparation of food, the food served, the quality and sustainability of the food, cleanliness in the mess, and the health of the mess workers.

The audit is done through a checklist based on five parameters. On the basis of the final audit score, the institute is certified as ‘Eat Right Campus’ with a five-star rating by securing 90 out of 100 marks under this rigorous quality audit.

The officials of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) presented the five-star rating certificate to Director Professor AK Chaturvedi in the presence of the Dean of Students Welfare, Associate Dean of Students Welfare (Bhawan and Mess), all Chief Wardens, Wardens, Mess Managers, and student representatives.


On this occasion, Professor Barua said, It is a matter of great pride not only for the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee but for the entire city of Roorkee that our IIT has achieved a five-star rating.”

“In the Eat Right campus audit conducted four years ago, the institute achieved a four-star rating,” he said.

He also added, It would not have been achieved without the continuous efforts and support of mess staff and students of mess councils. The mess Managers, wardens, and chief wardens of all the messes played an important role in the smooth operations and maintenance of the messes.


The ‘Eat Right Campus’ initiative led by FSSAI aims to promote safe, healthy, and sustainable food in campuses such as schools, universities, colleges, workplaces, hospitals, tea estates, etc. across the country.

The objective is to improve the health of people and the planet and promote the social and economic development of the nation.

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