IG International gets first batch of US cherries after elimination of fumigation process

The new protocol to speed up the cherries import process from the US by four weeks

IG International, a fresh fruit importer, has received the first batch of cherries from the US-based Stemilt Growers after elimination of the fumigation process, a prerequisite earlier.

A statement said the cherries consignment arrived just 10 days after the notification of old protocol discontinuation. It said the new protocol would speed up the process of importing cherries from the US by four weeks.

Stemilt Growers, a family-owned business of the Mathison, packs and markets fresh apples, pears, cherries, stone fruits, and organic tree fruits.

Quoting Shubha Rawal, COO, sourcing and marketing at IG International, the statement said: “We are glad to receive the best cherries from the USA, shipped by Stemilt Growers. Having sourced the first-grade cherries, we at IG International are confident of putting these ambrosial fruits in the baskets of every Indian cherry lover. This import quality reflects our commitment to serve the best and superior quality of fruit to our patrons.”

Brianna Shales, Marketing Director at Stemilt, said: “IG International is one of the leading fresh fruit importers in India and we are delighted to source our world-renowned cherries for the Indian market.

At Stemilt, it has always been about cultivating the freshest and best fruits to delight people. With IG International, we are assured that these top-quality and juicy cherries will reach most parts of India and set the Indian fruit palate for an enthrallingly unique experience.”

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