Hiring – FoodTech Network

About Us

FoodTech Network is to provide a platform for professionals to share information ALL ABOUT FOOD TECHNOLOGY. FoodTech Network is a dynamic community of food technologists that fosters collaboration among government and private organizations. It serves as a hub for sharing information about food tech-related jobs, industry news, research and development, and food safety training. Moreover, the network provides valuable consultancy services in areas such as food plant setup, product development, and regulatory compliance. Through its diverse offerings, the FoodTech Network plays a pivotal role in driving innovation, knowledge sharing, and professional growth within the food industry.

We are Hiring for the following positions. 
  1. Content writer (Food Tech)
  2. Business Development (Food Tech)
  3. Trainers / Auditors (Food Tech)
  4. Tutor (Food Tech)
  5. Consultant (Food tech – Plant setup, Product/Recipe development, Regulatory experts)
  6. Influencers or marketing (Any gradate)
  7. Graphic Designer

🔖 Make your resume more stronger ISO22000 (HACCP and PRPs) for Food Safety Internal Auditor – GIFSTS

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
🔗 WhatsApp Groups

🖥 Food Safety Training programs
🔗 https://bit.ly/3fbjKRz

📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)
🔗 https://bit.ly/3JDyPIN

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