Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation launches Sagar Skimmed Milk across India

Gujarat, january 09, 2024 : Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF), the largest food products organization responsible for marketing of ‘Amul’ and ‘Sagar’ Brand, announced the launch of Sagar Skimmed Milk across India.

Amul is the outstanding example of the power of farmer’s cooperative movement born way back in 1946, before India gained freedom. Amul has now become a household name and all Indians have tasted different Amul products at different phases of their life.

Sagar is one of the oldest brands of GCMMF in milk powder and ghee segment. Sagar Skimmed Milk Powder is India’s largest selling SMP brand, preferred by buyers due to its pure, fresh, good quality and it is now expanding to the fresh skimmed milk category.

“To meet the expectations of the changing consumer, we are launching Sagar Skimmed Milk at most affordable price to cater the economic segment as well as fat free milk for health-conscious consumers” said Jayen Mehta, Managing Director, GCMMF.

We launched Sagar Skimmed Milk across all India market on the morning of 8th January 2024. It is Fat Free and will have minimum 9% SNF. In order to cater to various consumer segments, it is available in 250 ml (Rs. 10), 500 ml (Rs. 20), 1 L (Rs. 40), 2 L (Rs. 78) and also, in 6 L pack to cater Hotels, Restaurants and Caterers (HoReCa) requirement. It would also be available to consumers through nearby retail outlets, Amul parlours, Milk booths and Modern Format Stores.

GCMMF markets a wide range of fresh milk products viz. Amul Buffalo milk (6.5% milk fat), Amul Gold (6% fat), Amul Shakti (4.5% fat), Amul Cow milk (4% fat), Amul Taaza (3% fat) and Amul Slim n Trim (1.5% fat). Sagar skimmed milk with almost nil fat will complement this range to meet the requirements of all customers.

GCMMF has 98 dairy plants located across India with a daily milk handling capacity of 50 million Literssequipped with modern facilities to process, pack and store the milk and milk products.

🥇 Food safety Training & Certification

🖥️ Food Safety Training Level 1
6 Trainings 6 different certificates

Internal auditor training
🖥️ HACCP as per Codex Alimentarius Commission(CAC) Internal auditor training

🖥️ FSSC 22000 V. 6 (Food Safety System Certification) – Internal Auditor training

🖥 Food safety management System ISO22000:2018 Internal auditor training and certification
💼 UGC Approved – PG Diploma In Food Processing & Safety Standards
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