FSSAI to amend alcoholic beverages norms to include energy content info

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has proposed to amend the Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations, 2018, to include provisions for declaration of info related to energy content.

Although, the provision also adds that it will be voluntary for the food businesses to declare such info.

The FSSAI, in this regard, issued a draft regulation for the amendment and asked the stakeholders to send their comments on the draft by the third week of July.

According to the proposed amendment, “in Part 5, for the regulation 5.5 (of the alcoholic regulations 2018) the following shall be substituted, namely,- 5.5 Alcoholic beverage shall not contain any nutritional information on the label except energy content in K.Cal,”  and added that such declaration related to energy content shall be voluntary.  

Presently the rule 5.5 only says that alcoholic beverages shall not contain any nutritional information on the label.

Also, the draft proposed that in part 2 of the same regulation related to distilled alcoholic beverages, under section 2.8 related to whiskey, the clause (i) shall be substituted by “(i) Single malt or Single grain whisky: Single malt or Single grain whisky is a distillate obtained from fermented mash that uses malted barley or malted/ unmalted grain, respectively, distilled in pot still only, and produced in a single distillery”.

Food safety training and certification

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