Free Workshop – Recent Advances in Food Drying Technologies


Food processing being a vital sector has a critical role in achieving the overall economic growth. In view of the national importance, the sector has set an aspiration in achieving the vision 2020 by the way of tripling the food processing levels to 20 percent. So as to realize the aspiration, the sector is poised for enhancing capacity levels and investments in the industry and R&D in food processing.

Furthermore, the sector needs to equip with 1.7 million skilled manpower as production managers, QC and R&D, supply chain and logistics, regulatory and legal experts.

In view of the vast opportunities in Food processing and requirement of skilled manpower, the National Institute of Food Technology, entrepreneurship and management proposes a short course on Advances in Drying of Foods as part of capacitive building initiative.


Drying is one of the most ancient and eminent physical method of preservation of food, wherein moisture is removed from the food material as a result of heat and mass transfer. The method of drying is predominantly used in foods such as fruits, vegetables, spices, cereals, pulses and other products. The advantages or benefits of drying can be listed as: extending shelf life, reduce packaging, storage, handling and transportation costs, out of season availability and wider range of products as well as novel products availability to consumers.

There are different types of drying methods used industrial for achieving better quality and also many advanced drying techniques have been applied for achieving a better quality product with higher retention of nutrients.

The high-end workshop on recent advances in Food Drying technologies, incorporates specialized modules to cover basic understanding of drying and conventional methods of drying, Hybrid drying technologies, novel/advanced drying technologies, pre-treatments, and applications in food processing. Understanding the technological advancements and commercial viability of drying of foods is a part of the program.

The workshop has hands on training and demonstration of different drying methods. The workshop will cover both basics and recent development in the area of Drying and its application in food.


Limited to 25 participants based on eligibility as per Karyashala norms. The Institute deserves all rights on selection of eligiblilty Candidates. TA will be provided as per GOI norms.

WHO CAN Attend

Karyashala is open to postgraduate and Ph.D. students from Institutes, Colleges, and Universities in India. Applicants pursuing PG/Ph.D. programs in the discipline of Food Engineering, Food Processing, Post Harvest Engineering &Technology, Food Technology, Food Quality and Safety, Agricultural Processing, Dairy Technology, Aquaculture processing and related departments are eligible. Students who have recently completed their PG programs are also eligible.

Candidates who have completed Ph.D. will not be considered. Total numbers of seats are limited to 25. There is no registration fees.


National Institute of Food Technology, entrepreneurship and management Thanjavur (NIFTEM-T), an institute of national importance (Formerly IIFPT), under the Minstry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) The NIFTEM-T is a R&D and academic institution under the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India.

Apart from identifying technologies for preservation, processing and value addition of raw agricultural commodities, it also offers B. Tech, M. Tech and Ph.D. courses in Food processing Engineering and M.Tech in Food Science and Technology. Consultancy and transfer of technology are being carried out for the benefit of the stakeholders all over the country.

The Institute has strong tie-ups with many national and international research and academic institutions and involved in organizing various HRD programs including non-formal trainings in the field of food processing. NIFTEM-T has state-of-the-art laboratory, incubation centre and NABL accrediated laboratory.


  • Registration opens: 01 December 2022
  • Last date for registration: 17 December 2022
  • Display of shortlisted candidates: 24 December 2022
  • Workshop dates: 17.01.2023 23.01.2023

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