Food Technology Intern EasyBuy Ingredients

EasyBuy Ingredients is a newly launched platform focused on making it ‘easy for SMEs to source food ingredients online’. EasyBuy is a knowledge driven platform that will offer ease of ordering, quality assurance, assured delivery and application development services to SMEs.

The current system of sourcing food ingredients is complex, time consuming and fraught with multiple issues including but not limited to: difficulty in sourcing samples, high touch dealing with distributors, non availability of ingredients at lower MOQs (Minimum Order Quantities), unreliable inventory management, non assured deliveries and opaque pricing. We are changing this by making it super easy to buy certified quality food ingredients in one click. This enables efficient, reliable and cost effective sourcing by SMEs.

EasyBuy Ingredients is founded by high quality award winning team of IITians, BITSians and graduates of University of Cambridge, University of Helsinki, London Business School and Imperial College London. The team behind EasyBuy Ingredients was adjudged the top venture in Asia Pacific in 2018 by Mckinsey and INSEAD Business School.

Easybuy is looking to add 4 interns to its team for the next 3-6 months period. The interns will be helping on various aspects of scaling the EasyBuy platform viz: Technical Sales (Food Ingredients), Operations, Sourcing, Marketing (Content Development) and Order Processing as per their fit and needs of the business. The candidates will need to be flexible during the internship period but will be assigned a specialized role with a clear JD aligned with their skills and performance upon the conclusion of the internship.

Good performers will be extended full time offers at the end of the first 3 months period. We ran a similar cohort in December 2021 and all the 3 candidates were hired full time. This internship is a pathway for us to identify high potential hires who will become full time members of our core execution team.

The ideal candidate will have:

1) A Bachelors degree in Food Technology. Being able to understand the nuances of specialty ingredients like Enzymes, Yeasts, Proteins will be required.

2) Good communication skills are essential. Verbal as well as written.

3) Strong work ethics with a bias for action.

Ability to write technical content, prior exposure to sales, design skills, knowledge of different categories of specialty food ingredients and food processing technologies, exposure to digital marketing are a strong plus.

This role is based in Lucknow but will require frequent travel to Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and other cities as and when required. There will be room for relocation to a Tier 1 city for some candidates over the course of the next 1 year as we evolve as a company. This role is a relatively junior role targeted at people who have graduated in the past couple of years. Freshers are welcome to apply.

What we offer:

1) Competitive Compensation. During the internship period, candidates will be paid a stipend of 15,000 Rs per month. When extended a full time offer, they can expect to be paid a basic salary of 2.4 – 3LPA + Performance Linked Compensation to start with. We do not follow the industry norms of linear growth in compensation. We are a fast scaling business and offer excellent financial growth to top performers.

2) Fast track personal and professional growth. The executive will work directly with the Founders and a high quality team. Learning experience of joining and scaling a high quality startup at an early stage.

3) An opportunity for personal impact where you help improve quality standards for 100s of food ingredients and revolutionize ease of sourcing for thousands of Indian SMEs

Please do not apply if:

1) You are not willing to relocate to Lucknow for the next 6 months.

If you do not hear back from us within 3 weeks of your application, please assume that your application was unsuccessful at this time.

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🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship

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