Food Additives Quiz


Welcome to your FA 36

Q. Lecithin is used as a/an

Q. Which of the following is NOT a function of a food additive _____

Q. Statement 1: Food additives are divided into direct and indirect types............. Statement 2: Direct food additives become a part of the food during packaging. These are in trace amounts.

Q. What are Sequestrants?

Q. Statement 1: In control of yeast in industries, baking soda is added (which is sodium bicarbonate) react with an acid which is externally added to release carbon-di-oxide which escapes............. Statement 2: Baking soda is a leavening agent. It is an additive.

Food additives quiz, Submit your answers and Visit page no 2 for more details.


  • Suparna Roy
    March 17, 2023

    I am interesting to this type of quiz.. and it a a simple and easy type of quiz .

  • Riya pujara
    March 17, 2023


  • Swati bhagat
    March 20, 2023

    I am intrested for thi se quiz

  • Shalini Shalini
    April 4, 2023

    Quiz is good

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