Fiberstar launches new organic citrus fibers for food and beverages

Fiberstar, one of the leaders in innovative citrus fibers, launched a line of new organic citrus fibers – Citri-Fi 400 series. These new citrus fibers are in response to the increasing demand for natural, sustainable, and organic food ingredients. Market drivers fueling the uptick in demand include growth in consumer health and wellness initiatives, limited availability of hydrocolloids due to supply chain challenges, and increased visibility of sustainable business practices.

“We are thrilled to add these new organic citrus fibers to our portfolio,” says John Haen, president and chief executive officer, Fiberstar. “This organic product line extension taps into a new market which will garner additional sales growth for Fiberstar.”

Like the flagship Citri-Fi 100 series, this new Citri-Fi 400 organic series is a byproduct of the citrus juicing process. The fibrous composition of insoluble and soluble fiber, in the form of intact native pectin, provides water-holding and emulsification properties with a pleasant mouthfeel. Because of the dual functionality, at less than one percentage usage rate, Citri-Fi 400 improves the texture, stability, and nutrition of a variety of food and beverages.

These foods include bakery, dairy, processed meats, dressings, sauces, and frozen foods in addition to plant-based foods like meat substitutes and dairy alternatives.

Citri-Fi 400 is USDA-certified organic and certified as an organic source by the European Union. This upcycled organic citrus fiber series is non-GMO, non-allergenic, gluten-free, and has no E-number. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp, or citrus flour.

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